Thursday, May 31, 2007

GIRLS' State Info

the girls' team will meet at 6:50a on saturday morning in order to leave at 7a on the dot for the fields. So far we have 3 drivers (with vans) - we could really use one more unless a couple of the girls are planning on driving (or jeanine is helping to pick kids up) as they will have extra gear to bring for the slumber party later that night. I will also be needing a ride out there.

for the rest of the state tourney info, please see post below.

State Information

The Varsity and JV teams (& probably Hert Force) will meet at Lindberg at 7am on Saturday to figure out rides and will depart at 7:15 for the Polo Fields. If you're not carpooling, be at the fields by 8 am unless you've spoken to your coach. JV Parents that are planning on staying the day at the fields, it would be lovely if one or two of you could drive, though we'll probably have enough student drivers. Please post in the comments if you can drive some kids. Thanks.


The 2007 Minnesota State Tournament will be held on June 2nd & 3rd at the Twin City Polo Club at 6755 Turner Road, Maple Plain, MN.
Directions to the Polo Club

1. Go west from the Twin Cities on I394/US 12 to Maple Plain.
2. Go through Maple Plain to County Road 90 (just past the railroad bridge west of town).
3. Turn left (south) and go about 1 mile to Turner Road.
4. Turn right (west) on Turner Road and go about 1/2 mile.
5. The clubhouse will be on your left. Please park where directed by volunteers.

Tournament Details

The Captain's Meeting will be at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday morning and games will start at 8:30 a.m. The schedule is as follows:

Saturday, June 2nd

7:00 Volunteers to Arrive
8:00 Captains Meeting
8:30 First Game Begins
8:30 - 10:00 Round #1
10:30 - 12:00 Round #2
12:30 - 2:00 Round #3
2:30 - 4:00 Round #4
4:30 - 6:00 Round #5

Sunday, June 3rd

7:00 Volunteers to Arrive
8:30 First Game Begins
8:30 - 10:00 Round #1
10:30 - 12:00 Round #2
12:30 - 2:00 Round #3
2:30 - 4:00 Finals
4:15 – 4:30 Awards Ceremony

After State, Go to YCC!

2007 UPA Youth Club Championships: Minnesota's Open Team!

The Minnesota High School Ultimate League is looking for players interested in joining Minnesota's YCC open team. The UPA Youth Club Championships will be held on August 11-12th at the National Sports Center in Blaine, MN.

Q: What is the UPA YCC?
A: The UPA Youth Club Championships is a tournament featuring the best high school ultimate players in the country. 8 Open, 8 Mixed, and 8 Girls teams from cities around the nation have been invited to attend. Minnesota will be putting together all-star teams to compete against teams from Seattle, New England, and more: http://www.upa. org/juniors/ championships/ 2007_ycc_ temp

Q: How can I try out?
A: The open team will hold a preliminary practice on Tuesday, June 5th. There will also be two tryouts on Monday, June 11th and Tuesday, June 12th. Both tryouts and the practice will be from 6-8pm at Lake Nokomis in Minneapolis , MN, near the corner of E 50th St and Cedar Ave S.

Q: How much will it cost per player and what's involved in participating?
A: The estimated cost per player will be about $90; tryouts are free. You will get two formal club team practices per week, team uniforms, and also will be entered into the YCC tournament as well as the MN Ultimate Disc Invite on July 21-22nd .

Q: Am I eligible to play in the 2007 UPA YCC?
A: Any high school player from MN who will be 18 or younger on June 1st, 2007 is eligible to attend. You must be a current member of the UPA and must bring your UPA ID number and medical waiver to the clinic.

Q: Why should I come out for the team?
A: Playing on the YCC open team will give youth players the opportunity to play with the best of their peers from around the state. The team will also be coached by an experienced crew of Ultimate veterans who have played with and led numerous elite college and club teams. YCC's is an excellent opportunity to improve as a player, broaden your ultimate horizons, meet new friends, and compete against the best youth players in the nation!

Q: Whom do I ask if I have questions?
A: Dave Klink is the MN UPA YCC Teams Coordinator. Dave can be reached at: Email: daveklink@gmail. com - Phone: 651-983-2713

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

JV practice on Thursday

The JV will be having practice tommorow, Thursday the 31st at Lindberg at 5:30, but come to toss at 5 if you can.

The Last Week!!


also - HERt Force ladies: you are invited to an over-night slumber party
WHEN: Saturday after our last game
WHERE: Jeanine's dad's house (7550 Turner Rd, Independance MN 55359) which is within walking distance of our tournament fields!
DINNER: pizza, pasta, something or other... (still in the works)
BRING: towel, sleeping bag, pillows - whatever you need for an overnight and a tournament the next day

if you are not able to spend the night, please find a ride to the tournament for sunday morning. any questions, please call Jeanine @ 952.486.0892 or Kelley @ 952.200.3556. if you need to call us on saturday night and our cells aren't getting reception, the house phone # is 763.479.4499.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

practice tomorrow

Just a reminder for those who haven't heard: the varsity team will be practicing tomorrow (wednesday). We are planning to meet at lindbergh at 4:00 and practice until about 6 to leave time for kids to go home and get ready for the banquet.
See you all there,

Varsity Boys Practice Tuesday

There is practice today, Tuesday, May 29, 2007 for the Varsity Boys team at the usual time.

We apologize for the missing information on the blog and calendar about this oversight, but there is practice and please spread the word. This practice is one of two remaining practices before the final tournament of the season.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Don't Forget the Banquet on Wednesday!

You are Invited to the Hopkins Ultimate Final Banquet Ultimate Party! Dessert Buffet and Awards Ceremony Date: Wednesday May 30, 2007 Time: 7pm to 9pm Location: Eisenhower Cafeteria Cost: No cost for players. $14.00 for parents and guests. Please make your check for the party out to Hopkins Ultimate. You can send it to the below address or give it to Jodi Alter or Jennifer Kreiman at the party. RSVP by May 23Please fill out the below form and mail it to Ivan Arenson or email your reply to: Jodi Alter and Jennifer Kreiman Include the names of the players, and number of parents/guests who will be attending. Please RSVP by May 23. Send in this form along with your payment to:Ivan Arenson11933 Orchard Ave. W.Minnetonka, MN 55305Name of Player(s)­­­­­­­­­­­­____________________________________________________________ Number of Parents/guests attending ­­­­­­­ #adults______# kids__________ Make Check out to Hopkins UltimateAmount Paid ($14 per Parent/Guest) $___________________________ Check Number #_____________________________________________

No JV Practice Today

Russ and I just want to confirm that there is NO JV practice today. Practice is also off for Wednesday, as it coincides with the year-end banquet. Right now, it looks like we will be practicing Thursday, as there are no more league games.

Try and find some time this week to keep your throws sharp and start visualizing all the success we will have at state next weekend!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Congratulations Are In Order

First and foremost, Conrats to our newest College National Champions the University of Wisconsin Hodags, with Hopkins Alumni teammates Evan Klane ('05) and Ben Feldman ('06).

Secondly, Congratulations to Central Regional Freshman of the Year Michael Arenson ('06) at the University of Minnesota. This award is voted on by the captains of the teams at regionals.

Congrats to Pat Jenson ('06) for being Winona State's Callahan Award Nominee. The Callahan is the UPA's College MVP award, and each team can nominate one person.

Finally, big Congratulations to JV Captain Jojo Christianson for being named a National Merit Scholar.

Nice work kids! The Hurt Family is proud of you all.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

JV game still on

The rain is supposed to lighten up through the evening and there's nary a hint of lightning, so we are still on. You know the temperature.

girls stuff canceled

Erica said that the girls' thing is canceled tonight.. thurs the 24

Varsity Game CANCELED

THE GAME IS CANCELED BECAUSE OF LIGHTNING THERE. the game on Thursday the 24th vs henry sibley.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

JV Thurday home game

The JV is playing Eden Prairie A at Lindberg in our last game of the season. Game is at 6, but we are getting warmed up at 5 pm.

Practice Canceled Today

Wednesday practice for both the Varsity and JV on this, the 23rd of May, is hereby canceled due to the poor conditions and forecast. We can play in rain, but not in lightning. Spread the word.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


You are Invited to the Hopkins Ultimate Final Banquet Ultimate Party!
Dessert Buffet and Awards Ceremony Date: Wednesday May 30, 2007
Time: 7pm to 9pm
Location: Eisenhower Cafeteria
Cost: No cost for players. $14.00 for parents and guests.
Please make your check for the party out to Hopkins Ultimate. You can send it to the below address or give it to Jodi Alter or Jennifer Kreiman at the party.
RSVP by May 23
Please fill out the below form and mail it to Ivan Arenson or email your reply to: Jodi Alter and Jennifer Kreiman
Include the names of the players, and number of parents/guests who will be attending.
Please RSVP by May 23. Send in this form along with your payment to:
Ivan Arenson11933 Orchard Ave. W.Minnetonka, MN 55305Name of Player(s)­­­­­­­­­­­­____________________________________________________________
Number of Parents/guests attending ­­­­­­­ #adults______# kids__________
Make Check out to Hopkins UltimateAmount Paid ($14 per Parent/Guest) $___________________________
Check Number #______________________________________________

Monday, May 21, 2007

Calender Confusion

Note to players and parents: some of the dates on the calender are wrong. All varsity practices will be held at the normal time (530) this week and next. The game at Sibley is still at 6, and the banquet is on May 3o from 7 to 9 at eisenhower. There may be others, but that is all that I know of.


Volunteers needed for the Minnesota High School State Ultimate Championships, June 2 & 3, 2007 in Maple Plain.
Come show your support for the Minnesota Ultimate community by volunteering a morning or afternoon. We are hoping to make this the best tournament yet and can't do it without the help of volunteers like you!If you are interested, please visit the MNHS Ultimate website to indicate your availability and volunteer interests.
Questions? Please contact Lauren Gloede at or 651-645-1747
We hope to see you at the fields!

Saturday, May 19, 2007



This is from Ron Curme regarding this Sunday:

CAR WASH is this Sunday, NOON to 4 at Spielman’s Service center, first building NORTH of the BP gas station at the North East corner of Hopkins Crossroad (County Road 73) and Cedar Lake Road in Minnetonka

Parents and kids – send notice to your friends, family etc about this PLEASE. Weather is going to be great.

Parents, if you can or want to bring bottled water and/or snacks, please let me know. THANK YOU

Bring everything you brought to the last carwash (rags, brushes, car soap, etc). If you didn't get the chance to pick up your rags because of the rain, chances are they'll be there.

SHIFTS: show up 15 minutes early to help make transitions easier. If you can stay for both.. GREAT!

-Shift ONE: Players with last names A-H, NOON to 2:00

-Shift TWO: Players with last names I-Z, 2:00 to 4:00

hopefully, the shifts will be even
Thanks for your help everyone. It all benefits the team.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section and we'll do our best to get back to you.

Friday, May 18, 2007

JV at Granite City

The JV will be meeting at Lindberg along with the Varsity at 7pm this coming Saturday. Directions to the fields are in the previous post's comments and will also be available when we leave. Here is the JV roster:

Bayer Jeremy *
Boerhave Grant
Bumstad Sam
Christensen Jonathan
Englert Tim
Golob Mark
Kitchener Aaron*
Leonard Eli
Litin Danny
Loecken Matthew
Mobius Andreas
Persson Nils
Rasmussen Ethan
Rafowitz Adam
Raskin Daniel*
Segal Sam
Wexler Nathan

* indicates player has not paid.

Let me know if I've gotten anything wrong. See you tommorow!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Granite City, Rides, Lind. 7am

Hey, the first game is at 9:00am. It takes 45 minutes to get there so...

Let's meet at Lindbergh at 7 am and we will carpool up from their. From what I've heard we have plenty of drivers but I don't think a few more would hurt.

See you there, I'll bring/post directions as soon as I can scrounge them up.


JV Game today

The JV plays Como today at Lindberg. Game starts at 6 pm, but we're starting to warm up at 5.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hat Tournament @ SJU

From an SJU player:
This Sunday (the 20th) SJU will be hosting a Hat tournament for high school kids. The cost will be 5$ a person and will be held on the Saint John's campus in Collegeville MN on our outdoor soccer fields. It will go from 10am-4pm. Being a hat tournament they should bring a [WHITE] and dark, we will provide the normal tournament amenities . Please tell your teams about it, and with any questions please reply back. If directions are wanted I can send those out to those who request them.

John Groess
If you do attend, please refrain from getting hurt or contracting a food-borne illness. Thank you.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Varsity Game on Thurs.

meet at lindberg at 4:20 for south game on thurs.
cars leave at 4.30

UPA Westerns

I realized recently that this blog makes a lot of announcements, but doesn't communicate the progress and results of all of our hard work. So, sit back and enjoy a rundown of a boys-centric experience at UPA Westerns (a.k.a. "High School Nationals", though there ARE two "Nationals" tournament for high school).

Friday, arriving at the airport was a bit of a mess, complicated by trying to organize synchronized carpools to the hotel, despite having several folks on different flights. Once we hit the road, however, it was smooth sailing. Checking in to the hotel went well and people had time to relax, even swim, before the team meeting at 9:00 p.m.

We reinforced some team goals and reminded everyone to act in a manner that made us want to attend and to be wanted as an attendee next year. Mama Brick's note speaks volumes to the behavior of everyone.

Saturday morning, we were the first or second team to the field. A cool calmness filled the air, as an eerie overcast sky shielded us from the sun. In the first boys game, we faced Churchill High School, the (deserved) number 2 seed in the tournament. Our defense amazed even ourselves in this game. Big layouts, hand blocks, interceptions, a lot of big plays. But as good as our defense was, our offense was equally weak. Uncontested drops and throwaways let this game get out of hand early. A 15-8 loss and we were 0-1. Churchill would go on to lose a close game in the semifinals and finished tied for third.

We faced the 7 seed (Lakeside High School) in our second game. You might recall we had a huge game against them in semifinals last year, coming out on top 12-9. This year, and like our first round game, our offense made unforced mistakes while our defense dominated, allowing our opponent to take a 6-2 lead right away. As soon as we stopped making mistakes, however, it was our game. We charged back to tie the game 9-9. With the time cap on, it was a game to 10 with Lakeside receiving. Our defense intensified, but so did Lakeside's offense, who managed to score the game winner. We were now 0-2.

To stay in contention of a top 8 finish, we had to win our last game against Cherry Creek High School, who had lost to Lakeside 14-9 in round 1. They had a smaller team and not much experience. By this time, we had our offense and defense running well and we coasted to a 15-5 victory, putting us in the prequarters.

To make the top 8 (quarterfinals), we had to go through Seattle Academy (10 seed). Their team loved to launch long throws every chance they got and took off to an early 4-1 lead. We scored, put on a clam (type of zone) defense, and Greg "Snuggles" Milbrath caught a callahan (an interception in the opponent's endzone) for perhaps the highlight of the tournament. Our opponent called a timeout, regrouped, and took back control of the game to win 13-8. Captains Greg Arenson and Carl Peaslee both injured their shoulders in this game. Seattle Academy would go on to tie for fifth.

After Saturday's games, we enjoyed an exhibition game between the 2004 mixed (co-ed) UPA Club Champions, Shazam, and a merged mixed team from the 2006 UPA Club Champion open team Sockeye and womens team Riot, being billed as "Rockeye." We also ate tournament supplied pizza, which might have been our downfall, as 4 players from the boys team became ill (possible food poisoning) and were unable to play on Sunday.

Sunday morning, now playing for ninth and in much cooler weather (55 degree high), we faced Junction City High School, who had not yet scored 6 points on anybody. Our younger/newer guys got a lot of playing time and showed that they were able to play at a very high level in the game as we cruised to a 15-4 victory.

Our next game, we had a rematch against Lakeside. Our defense excelled in this game. No doubt one of the best defensive efforts of any team that was at the tournament this weekend. But again, our offense was slipping and not taking advantage of opportunities. We kept it close throughout the whole game, but found ourselves down 11-9 with the time cap approaching. Suddenly, our offense began executing solidly and we maintained our defensive intensity. The effort resulted in us scoring the final 5 points of the game, winning 14-11 and guaranteeing we'd finish top 10 in the tournament (we were seeded 11th going in).

Our last game was another rematch, this time against Cherry Creek. The result would again land in our favor in a 15-7 victory. The boys then finished with a 4-3 tournament record, basically with losses just to the third place and fifth place teams.

The girls finished tied for 5th, with a 3-4 record in the tournament, with their four losses going to the four teams in semi finals. The highlight for them was the 1 point loss to the team that would go on to win the championship in a 15-3 game.

Carl Peaslee and Angela Lokken-Hopkins were our individual spirit award winners.

All in all, both teams had very tough draws, having to go through some tough teams just to make it to a place for a shot at top 4 finishes. We proved decidedly, however, that we belonged there and, having brought such relatively young teams, that Hopkins has a very prosperous future.

An ENORMOUS thank you to the parents who helped plan, organize, shuttle, feed, comfort, attend to, provide caffeinated stimulants to, and support the players and coaches. Without you, these amazing events would not be the same, let alone even take place. Thank you thank you thank you.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Notes for Mam Brick

Dear friends,

I spoke with an employee at the Holiday Inn in Burlington today, and in the course of the conversation asked if our players had behaved themselves last weekend. Her immediate answer was an enthusiastic "Oh yes! They were the best group I've seen in the 3 years I've worked here." This answer mirrors what the hotel folks in Winnipeg told me last fall.

I think this is more proof of what a terrific bunch of players/human beings we have, and wanted to share this praise. If I knew how to, I'd put this information on the blog site, but I don't, so am contenting myself with this email.

Mama Brick


You are Invited to the
Hopkins Ultimate Final Banquet

Ultimate Party! Dessert Buffet and Awards Ceremony

Date: Wednesday May 30, 2007

Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Location: Eisenhower Cafeteria

Cost: No cost for players. $14.00 for parents and guests. Please make your check for the party out to Hopkins Ultimate. You can send it to the below address or give it to Jodi Alter or Jennifer Kreiman at the party.

RSVP by May 18
Please fill out the below form and mail it to Ivan Arenson or email your reply to:
Jodi Alter and
Jennifer Kreiman
Include the names of the players, and number of parents/guests who will be attending.

Please RSVP by May 18
Send in this form along with your payment to:
Ivan Arenson
11933 Orchard Ave. W.
Minnetonka, MN 55305
Name of Player(s)

Number of Parents/guests attending ­­­­­­­ #adults______# kids__________

Make Check out to Hopkins Ultimate
Amount Paid ($14 per Parent/Guest) $___________________________

Check Number #______________________________________________

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

JV Game - This Thursday

A reminder that the JV has a game vs. Mpls South A this Thursday. Location is:

Powderhorn Park
1200 Powderhorn Ter
Mpls 55407

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


1- the game tonight against Cathedral has been postponed until further notice.

2- natties is this weekend (duh!) and i encourage you to look through your ultimate bag to make sure you have EVERYTHING you need. i know some of you need to go to a store to purchase your own pre-wrap, athletic tape, blister blocker, etc.

3- i haven't checked the weather lately, but hey - it's western WA so it may be rainy. Pack LOTS of socks - let's not have a repeat of "paideia feet"!

4- again, you are responsible for getting yourselves to the lindbergh airport and for bringing a picture ID!!

5- if you haven't sent becky a song to put on our playlist, then boo on you! do it now!!

6- angela and kali- don't forget to send out your cheers so everyone can learn them!!

7- i'm so freaking excited to be a part of this team!! thanks for all your hard work - can't wait to see it pay off!

Monday, May 07, 2007

JV Granite City Roster

The Granite City tournament in St. Cloud, MN is coming up on May 19. The cost for the tournament is $20.00 per person and needs to be paid before the weekend of the tournament. Payment should be made to Hopkins Ultimate, and can either be brought to practice or mailed to Bonnie Christensen.

I would like for the players who are able and willing to go to drop a line in the comments to this post, whether or not you have spoken to me in person. I will make final decisions on the roster soon.

Coach Russ

Sunday, May 06, 2007

BAIT Tryouts

Thanks again for inviting Bait to scrimmage Hopkins. We all had a great time and were very impressed by your team's skills! Your handlers have great break mark throws and did a fantastic job swinging the disc against our cup z. It is amazing to think how good those eighth graders will be by the time they are my age!
Please encourage any and all of your players to come to Bait's open practices and/or tryouts. You can find the schedule at As I mentioned, we have a number of spots open this year and are looking for players who we think will improve quickly playing top-level women's ultimate.
For players who have summer conflicts, we are planning to take the month of July off, with the exception of the Aquatennial Tournament. We will come back strong in August with two tournaments and practice twice per week, and will step it up even further in September with practices three days per week and the beginning of the club series. If you or any of your players have questions, please feel free to contact me at
Good luck at nationals!


Kids: Very nice job on your car wash today. You all chipped in as a team. Thanks to those who brought out rags, buckets, sponges etc. Please thank your parents for helping you to get this organized.

The weather held off long enough for us to make some good money. As you know we will be doing this again Sunday May 20, time/place TBD but probably same place, NOON to 5. I know that the weather will be hot and it will be a great day to raise more funds for the program. More announcements to come on this later.

Coach Jake and Coach Kelly and Ivan, thanks for coming out.

THANKS to all of the parents who came to support the car wash today. Your donations and support of your kids is certainly, I am sure, appreciated by them.

Doc Schock – I have 2 of your buckets and some brushes/squeegees (sp) and a bunch of rags that I will wash and dry and bring out to the May 20 car wash.

Let me know if questions

Kids, have a great week of practice / games leading up to nationals.

--Ron Curme

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Hurt JV at St. Paul Central

This week's Thursday JV game is against the St. Paul Central/TCA team, "Defiant." We will carpool leaving Lindberg at 4:15, so be there a little earlier to catch a ride. The game starts at 6, and will be located at:

Linwood Rec Center
860 St. Clair Ave
St. Paul, MN 55105

This is different than their fields listed on the MNHS Ultimate site. This should be a fun game and maybe a chance for us to try some new offense and defence.

Don't Forget the Car Wash on SAT

Hi gang:

The Ultimate fundraising car wash (Part 1) is Saturday May 5, 10 AM to 3 PM, Bauer’s Texaco, NE corner Excelsior and Baker Road. They are all ready for us. Here is what we need to do/bring:

* LOTS and LOTS of wash rags and DRYING TOWELS - LOTS

* big buckets

* large sponges

* car wash soap

* a hose and a few nozzles

* clothes line

* brushes to wash the tires of cars

* signs and markers to advertise the car wash in the street


Captains, please organize and promote working the car wash with your teams, get them there in shifts. It will be your job to drive this with the players. After all, this is benefiting them!