Wednesday, January 18, 2012

U of M Tourney!

Girls Attending the Tournament this weekend:

Please be at the Lindbergh parking lot no later than 11:45 am on Saturday, we are leaving at 12 noon. We are carpooling to the University of Minnesota, so we need you all to be there on time. You will probably be home between 4 and 5 in the afternoon, depending on our schedule.

Remember to bring: warm clothes (we may have to walk outside a bit), WHITE and BLACK shirts, cleats, tennis shoes (just in case), a disc, at least one reusable water bottle, food (to share if possible), your permission slip, and anything else you need (inhaler, tape, etc.).

You will need a parent/guardian to sign this form for you if you are under 18, so please have it signed and ready to go Saturday morning. The link below will get you to the form.

If you have any more questions, please let us know! If you have committed to coming, we expect you to be there, your team is counting on you.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Practice schedule information - Winter 2012

Hurtems, Hertets and Parents,

Now that we have all of our practice locations set, you will be able to find up to date practice information on the side navigation, both in the "upcoming events" and "Hurt Calendar" features.

We are trying to get these items scheduled as far in advance as we can.  Sunday practices, for example, are already entered into the Calendar until the end of March.  Weekday practices are dependent on coach availability, so we may not be able to set those so far in advance.

I've also added our Spring 2012 tournaments.  Some of these tournament dates are tentative.  For several of these tournaments we will be submitting a bid to attend, but our participation is not guaranteed.  This list will be updated as our bids are accepted and dates solidify.

To reiterate, it is every Hurtem or Hertet's responsibility to check the blog, most of the family checks it every day.

If you have a player that is new to Ultimate at Hopkins, please refer to the registration details in the sidebar or contact Sara Mekler.



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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Varsity Team Meeting

The time has come to begin thinking about the upcoming season and what we want to accomplish. On Wednesday the 18th, at 6:30, we will be having a team meeting as well as a potluck dinner at my house. We will be talking about the season as a whole and this meeting is just as mandatory as practice.

Each age will be given a type of food to bring, don't be afraid to be creative with your contribution.

Sophomores- Salads (There are only two of you so please make them generous)

Juniors- Main courses (please keep in mind you are providing main courses for the whole team between the four of you)

Seniors- Due to how many seniors there are it will be divided by posistion.

Handlers- please bring drinks (Either a case of individual cans or a gallon/liter of something)

Cutters- you will be bringing desserts

The food will be great and this is another opportunity to get to know your brothers better. once again, this is a mandatory meeting, so please be in attendance.

My adress is 12410 Huntingdon Ln Minnetonka

See you all on Wednesday

Friday, January 06, 2012

Sunday Practice time change

We were able to move our Sunday practice up to early afternoon.  Noon until 3pm.

Please remember to bring your own water, a disc, and a light/dark jersey (that is not gray).  Please don't practice in the shoes you wear to walk through the parking lot, bring a dry pair.

See you Sunday!