Monday, January 28, 2013

Board Meeting reminder

Just are reminder that we have a Board meeting scheduled for Wednesday night, January 30th, 7:00
Sara's house-
12410 Huntingdon Lane
Mtka 55305

Please plan on attending if you have an interest in participating this spring, or next year, as we are in the process of assembling a new board moving forward. If you have any questions, feel free to email me prior to the meeting- 

Please let me know if you're planning on attending at the email listed above as well, so we can plan for the appropriate amount of people.

Thank you!

Saturday, January 26, 2013


All girls must attend after school workouts, they will be held monday, tuesday, and thursday at lindbergh center from 3:00-4:30. Starting this monday the 28th. If you are unable to attend a workout, please contact one of your captains.

See you Monday, Becca and Noa

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Varsity travel details for Duluth

The carpool for Duluth will be leaving from the Lindbergh parking lot at 8:30 Sunday morning. Please arrive 5-10 minutes early so everyone can depart on time. It's going to be very cold in Duluth, so even though this tournament is indoors, prepare for the weather along with all of your regular gear. 

The final cost per player for the trip is $60.00
Please bring this with you Sunday morning and give it to Sara or Wyatt when you check in for departure.

You will be responsible for the following meals; brunch/lunch on the way to Duluth, dinner Sunday night  and a fast food stop on the way out of town Monday night. The hotel will serve breakfast. There will be a team snack bag, although you should bring your own snacks if you have certain things you want, and please remember your reusable water bottles. 

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

MLK Tournament in Duluth

The varsity team will be participating in a tournament January 20-21 in Duluth, and we need parent chaperones to travel with the team. The first game will start at 1:00 on Sunday, and the final game will begin at 5:00 on Monday. The team will need to leave by approx 8:30 am Sunday morning in order to allow time for a stop along the way to eat. I'm making reservations for Sunday night at a hotel on Canal Park, and will add any parents who are interested in traveling with us. This is a tournament that we can only attend with parent drivers, in order to keep the cost down for each player. The team will reimburse parents for gas if they request it, and submit receipts.

I'm anticipating a cost per player between $50.00-65.00, and will be able to finalize the amount once I know how many players will be going.

Parents, please email me at if you are able to chaperone. Thank you!

Monday, January 07, 2013

MANDATORY Varsity Workouts

Tomorrow, Tuesday the 8th, Varsity Workouts Resume.

They will be every Tuesday and Thursday after school in the Lindbergh Center.

These Workouts are MANDATORY for every Varsity player and attendance will be taken. If you cannot make it, you  MUST let a captain know prior to the start of the workout.

Anyone who wants to get better and work hard is welcome to come.

These workouts are HARD, come expecting to sweat and challenge yourself. Like I said before, these workouts are MANDATORY for every Varsity player. If you do not show up to workouts, you WILL be dropped from the Varsity Roster.

We start running at 3:00 SHARP.

HUrt Works Harder Than Any Team in the Country. This is Where We Get Better, This is Where We Become the Best Team in the Country.