Monday, February 25, 2013

Chicago Invite - GIRLS AND VARSITY

Both the varsity and girls teams will be traveling to Naperville Illinois from March 15-17 to participate in the Chicago Invite. We've been discussing this with the teams for a while, and have asked them to speak to their parents about attending, so hopefully this isn't catching anyone by surprise! We would love to have as many parent chaperones as possible traveling with us. We have 2 options for travel this year; coach bus and parent carpools. With both teams traveling, we would need a minimum of 6 parents driving in order to consider that option, and that's figuring most parents can transport 5-6 players. We need to know ASAP if you are planning on attending this tournament both as a player and a chaperone so we can make our decision on travel. Costs vary quite a bit depending on mode of transportation. I'm not able to give you an exact number yet, as I don't know how many players are going, but figure in the $100.00 range with parent drivers, and $160.00-$200.00 range depending on # of players and parent bus riders if we use the coach bus. There will be a small fee for parents riding the bus(probably $30-50). And as always, if we carpool, we will reimburse those parents asking to be reimbursed for their gas, with valid receipts. If the team travels by bus, and you decide you'd still like to drive, there is no reimbursement. We're still finalizing hotel details, but parent's rooms are their own expense. Please also know, if you've never traveled with the team before, it's a wonderful way to experience Ultimate and really get to know the game and your child's coaches and teammates. It's also not a the evenings, the coaches deserve and are given free time away from OUR children, so please know that we as parents are making a commitment to supervise the players in the evening.

Click here to access the sign up genius as soon as you know you're going to Chicago!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Varsity Workouts

Varsity Workouts will now be taking place every MONDAY and THURSDAY.

Like always, every Varsity player is expected to be at these.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

St. John's JV Planning

For the St. Johns Tournament JV carpools will be as followed.

Debbie Pavelka's car

-Ben Pavelka
-Zach Schear
-Andrew Fern
-Jacob Borenstein
-Bobby Rudelius
-Connor Staack

Pat McGraw's Car

-Louis McGraw
-Matt Molnar
-Andrew Patel
-Thomas Warden
-Max Seffren
-Jordan Barry

Amy Friedman

-Ethan Friedman
-Drew Lockets
-Daniel Marschinke
-Zach Segal
-Ahmree Schear

All JV players should meet at Lions Park in Golden Valley at 11:15 and on the road by 11:30 at the latest. St.Johns is about a hour and 15 minutes away. As for the tournament itself, first game is at 1:30 and the last game of the round robin is at 6:55. After the last game bracket play will begin at 8:15. Every player needs to bring a "Kit" to this tournament - remember that this is an indoor tournament so sneakers, not cleats.  If you do not know what a "Kit" is check the blog on the right side in red writing will explain what every Hurtem is responsible for bringing.  This is an all day indoor tournament so I would suggest bringing food to eat during our breaks and/or money in case we have the opportunity to go eat.

Map & Directions

Wednesday, February 20, 2013



We will be holding our annual spring planning meeting before practice, and if you are intending on playing this spring, it is VERY important that you attend this meeting with a parent. We will be holding an all team meeting followed by breakouts with coaches for each of the 3 individual teams, after which time the players will be dismissed for practice in the structure. Parents, I will stay after the kids have gone, along with Debbi Pavelka, who will be taking over as the new Board President next year(YEA!) if you have any questions. We'd love to talk to you!

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 3rd!  

Sunday, February 17, 2013

St. John's Indoor 2013

If you are interested in attending this tournament (boys JV/V), please click on the link below and provide your info. 


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Friday, February 15, 2013

Varsity Goals Meeting

This Tuesday, the 19th, Varsity will have their Team Goals Meeting.

This meeting will give our team a chance to discuss the upcoming season and set some goals for ourselves. This meeting is mandatory for every varsity player.

Where: My House, 12410 Huntingdon Lane, Minnetonka
When: 6:30-8:30
What You Need To Bring:

Sophomores: Dessert
Juniors: Main Course 
Senior Cutters: Drinks
Senior Handlers: Salad  

This will be a great time to hangout and bond with your brothers. Be there or be □ ....(Square)

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Girls PotLuck, Parent/Player Meeting

Girls PotLuck, Parent/Player Meeting

On Sunday February 10th at 6:00-7:45pm, please join the girls ultimate team for a winter-spring informational meeting. This meeting will be held at the Shapiro's house (2131 Pine Island Road, Minnetonka Minnesota 55305) and will be a potluck type arrangement. Sunday is a GREAT time for PARENTS of players to learn about the sport and all the information and questions they need to know for this up coming season. It is mandatory for a player and/or parent to be there. Following the meeting we have a sunday night practice at West Junior High from 8:00-10:00pm, where all players can carpool to. To all new parents/players this will be very helpful and informative, hope to see you there. Please RSVP, ASAP for parents and players to or 612-298-2784.

Freshman: Salad
Sophomore: Dessert
Junior: Main Course
Seniors: Beverages

--Thanks, Noa Parker