Monday, April 29, 2013

JV Practice Tomorrow

JV will be having practice tomorrow the 30th at Lions Park from 6-8. On another note, this will be our last reminder so make sure all your brothers know that if you cannot attend practice you must let one of the coaches know ahead of time. If you don't let a coach know you will not be allowed to play in the upcoming game/tournament. This does not mean you should not attend that game/tournament. Part of being a good teammate and brother is supporting your team even if you cant play.

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Spring Fields

Hi all,

Now that the Hopkins High School fields are available, we'll be posting games and practices with the associated field number.  The most common fields we'll be using are HHS4, HHS9 and HHS10.

Please see the map below so you can see which fields are which.  Parking for HHS9 is easiest at Tanglen.  HHS4 is best accessed by the Lindbergh Lot or Hillside Ln; and HHS10 is probably closest to the North Jr. High lot or Lindbergh.

We will also have occasional practices at the Civic Fields over at the Minnetonka City Hall.


Granite City Classic JV Signup

Hello JV-er's

Below is a link to sign up for the Granite City Classic in St. Cloud this weekend.  We will be having 2 equal strength teams attend to maximize playing time at the tournament.  Please sign up by the end of the day Wednesday for the days you will be attending.  Please indicate if your parent can drive to the tournament.

We will then be posting rosters, carpools, timing, and everything else before we leave Saturday morning.  This is a USA Ultimate sanctioned event, so you need to be fully registered with USA Ultimate (separate from the club) to be able to play.

Sign Up Genius



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Friday, April 26, 2013

Varsity game Sunday 4/28 vs. CDH

Varsity Boys will play the first of many rescheduled games on Sunday 4/28 at CDH.

Carpool departure 4:00pm
Warm up 4:30pm
Game time 5:15pm

For those parents who would like an address for reference:
550 S Albert St, St Paul, MN

The field is on the corner of Hartford and Hamline, south of the tennis courts.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Stella and Dot Fundraiser is over tomorrow!

Hey Girls and Varsity Boys Team

 Today and tomorrow is your last changce to have you or your friends and family purchase form Stella and Dot.  If you haven't been on the site, please check it out. We need you guys to get out there and share the site with friends and family. I set up a facebook event too. Post it on your news feed or as your status to get your friends and family to check it out. Remember we receive 25% of all sales. The funds raised will go to offsetting the cost of the Centrals tournament so lets start earning some cash.

Here's an email template too that you can share. Greetings friends and family, I wanted to share with you our fundraiser information for the Hopkins Ultimate Frisbee teams. This fundraiser is through Stella & Dot, a jewelry and accessory line where 25% of the proceeds will go directly the teams! How it works:
•Browse and shop from Friday, March 29th – Friday April 26th via this link only:

•Pick out your goodies! Add to your shopping card and purchase – shipping is a flat $5.95. The best part is that it will ship STRAIGHT to you within a few days.

•If there are ANY issues with your order, contact our fundraising sponsor/stylist, Martha at

That’s it! This fundraiser will be open until Friday, April 26th. The fundraiser is set up through Jeanine Miakotina, so you will see her name on the shopping site. Remember, use this link:
If you have any questions, please email Jeanine.

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

JV Practice

Since the game tomorrow has been postponed, we will be having practice at lions from 6-8. Be good teammates and make sure everyone knows this.

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This month has been strange !
This is where we are as of 4:00 pm today.

Tomorrows ( Thursday April 25) GAME has been postponed.
The coaches are trying to schedule a practice from 5-7 at Lions Park
It will be posted by 11:00 am Thursday morning  if its a GO or NO

FACE OFF in St. Cloud is CANCELLED !

SUNDAY APRIL 28th @ 4:30 ( game start) @ Benilde
Home game for us against BENILDE!
Carpools will NOT be provided.
Warm up starts at 3:45.

I know it was wet, very wet,  and cold at practice last night.
Xtra socks,  layers, a well stocked 'kit' is essential.
Each day it's forecasted to be warmer. Not necessarily drier however. So please plan accordingly.

We will update more frequently. Our apologies, game and field status is very fluid right now.


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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Varsity and girls trip to Centrals

The Varsity and Girls teams will be traveling by bus to Mason, OH May 17-19 to compete in Centrals. With stops, this is estimated to be @ an 11-12 hour trip, so we will be leaving mid morning, details to follow. 

The teams will be staying in a hotel; I'm currently trying to negotiate with a few different ones close to the field for the best possible price. I'm estimating that the full cost per player will be around $225.00, but the kids are dong some fundraising, so the price will go down under $200.00. I will give you a final number in the next week or so, but we need to know how many players will be traveling, as this will also have an impact on the price. 

Parents, I know a number of you are planning on traveling with us as well. Please sign up letting us know if you will be-
1) riding the bus-there will be a fee for this, to be determined by how many people there are
2) wanting a room reserved at the hotel.

Please sign up below-

Sunday, April 21, 2013

This week 4/22-4/26

Hi all,

Our field access has been delayed again until 4/29.

We will be trying to get some practices in at Lions Park depending on the amount of snow on the ground.  Players are encouraged to throw outside when the weather cooperates on any patch of grass that is safe enough to do so.

Girls are trying Lions on Monday 6-8pm
JV is going to attempt Lions on Tuesday 5-7pm

JV will be attending St. Cloud Faceoff on Saturday April 27th (hopefully).

In the meantime, please take care of the administrative items that have been posted recently:
Hustle Volunteer sign up
Cub Foods sign up
Varsity/Girls Carwash Fundraiser and Stella & Dot Fundraiser

Friday, April 19, 2013

Cub Foods sign up

The time has finally come! Even amidst the blizzard that's raging outside right now, we are hopeful that next week we will be selling burgers, brats and hot dogs! We have gone back and forth over dates, and decided that we'll give it a try next week unless we have a repeat of today...hopefully that won't be the case!

I've got the calendar for next 2 months on the sign up genius right now. We are planning on sharing some dates with other organizations, but haven't determined how that will all work quite yet. I'll add more dates shortly, so please check back. 

Please remember that all families are required to help at the Weenie Wagon. This fundraiser helps to subsidize many events for all 3 teams throughout the year, as well as just being a fun morning or afternoon with your child, friend, spouse, neighbor etc. Cub pays us based on sales, plus we get to keep all tips that are made during our shifts, so make sure to advertise to friends and family when you'll be working; the more business we do, the better it is for all of us! Let's get creative; offer to have orders ready for friends to pick up for the group office lunch if they text them ahead as long as they give us a nice tip:-) Let people know on FB or Twitter that Thursdays are Hopkins Ultimate day at Cub Knollwood and ask for their support!

There are 2 shifts each Thursday; 10:00-2:00 and 2:00-6:00. Until school is out the afternoon shift needs to be fluid so the kids can help out...that means we need one or two of the first shift parents to stay until about 2:50 when the kids get there after school, or we need a parent or 2 willing to cover that in-between hour. We also have an issue because of boys games being on Thursdays(once they can actually play!). Girls will probably have make up games on some Thursdays as well, so if we have parents available, that would be ideal. Do to these factors, we can mix and match the shift times if people need to in order to cover the entire shift.

Please sign up on the link below, but email Sara- if you have any questions or problems!

Thursday, April 18, 2013



We will be holding a carwash May 4th at the Cub Foods on Hwy 7 and 101. It will run from 10am to 2pm, possibly longer if the weather is nice(lets hope!) and the kids and parent volunteers want to stay.

This is the same weekend as the Granite City Classic in St. Cloud, which is a JV tournament. We are using this fundraiser as a vehicle(no pun intended!)to raise funds for the Varsity and girls team's upcoming trip to the Centrals tournament in Ohio. They will be the primary volunteers for this fundraiser, and are expected to participate, but if there are JV players not going to St Cloud who would like to participate, they may help out. We also need a couple of parents for each shift, just to oversee the players.

Parents and players, please let all your friends and family know about this event so we can maximize the fundraising opportunity!!! Facebook and Twitter can come in handy for these types of situations!

Thank you Stephen Elias for making all these arrangements, it's very much appreciated! If you have any questions you can contact Stephen at

Please sign up on the sign up genius-

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Girls and Boys Fundraiser update

Hey Girls and Varsity Boys Team

Our fundraiser has been open for two weeks and we have only sold $300 worth of merchandise, which only give us $75.  The jewlery is actually cute.  If you haven't been on te site, please check it out.  We need you guys to get out there and share the site with friends and family.  I set up a facebook event too.  Post it on your news feed or as your status to get your friends and family to check it out.   Remember we receive 25% of all sales.  The funds raised will go to offsetting the cost of the Centrals tournament so lets start earning some cash.
Here's an email template too that you can share.      Greetings friends and family, I wanted to share with you our fundraiser information for the Hopkins Ultimate Frisbee teams. This fundraiser is through Stella & Dot, a jewelry and accessory line where 25% of the proceeds will go directly the teams! How it works:
  • Browse and shop from Friday, March 29th – Friday April 26th via this link only:
  • Pick out your goodies! Add to your shopping card and purchase – shipping is a flat $5.95. The best part is that it will ship STRAIGHT to you within a few days.  
  • If there are ANY issues with your order, contact our fundraising sponsor/stylist, Martha at
That’s it! This fundraiser will be open until Friday, April 26th. The fundraiser is set up through Jeanine Miakotina, so you will see her name on the shopping site. Remember, use this link:
If you have any questions, please email Jeanine.
Your email:
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Girls homework

Hi Ladies

See updated schedule on the right.  I'm going to cancel practice for tomorrow.   Instead, you all have homework : ).  I promise it won't take that long.  We saw way too many rule violations in Denver and realized that as a team we do not have a good understanding of the rules.  Ultimate is a self officiated game, which means that you all need to know and understand the rules!

Your homework is to read the rule book and then present to the team your section on the assigned date below.  You must present to your team in plain English.  Do not just read the rules out loud to your team.  The 11th edition rule book can be found on the USA Ultimate website. Please let me know if you are not going to be at practice on your assigned date.

 Monday, April 22

Alyssa- V. Length of game

Addie-VI. Time-outs (team time out and injury time out)

Noa- VIII. Starting and restarting play- B. Pull and C. Time between pulls

Becca- VIII. Starting and restarting play- D. Checking

Tuesday April 23

Maddie- IX. In and out of bounds

Lilly- X. End Zone Possession and XI. Scoring
Thursday April 25

Lisa- XII. Turnovers

Mickella- XIII. The thrower
Monday April 29

Katie- XIV. The Marker- A. Stalling

Sam- XIV. The Marker- B. Marking violations
Tuesday April 30

Zoe-XVI. Violations and Fouls- H. Fouls- a. Throwing fouls

Claire-XVI. Violations and Fouls- H. Fouls- b. Receiving foul

Thursday May 2

Jordan- XVI. Violations and Fouls- H. Fouls- c. Blocking fouls and d. Strip

Sophie- XVI. Violations and Fouls- I. Picks and J. Traveling

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The sign up is live! Please take a few minutes and look over your options for volunteer opportunities for The Hustle. I know it feels like we'll never be watching the kids play outdoor Ultimate in MN at this point, but this weather has got to change soon, right?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

JV Update

Due to the weather of the past week, the following have been cancelled: Tomorrows rescheduled game at Bloomington Kennedy, Thursday's game vs, Benilde, and this weekends tournament (Faceoff) in St. Cloud. We will be rescheduling the two league games at a later date and will let everyone know as soon as we have figured out exactly when both teams can do it. As for Faceoff the TD has made us aware that as of now the plan is to have the tournament on the 27th of April. As for today since it is such a lovely day, if you get the chance you should be getting out side and throwing the disc around. As usual keep checking the blog for updates!

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Monday, April 15, 2013


Hurtems, Hertets & Parents,

Thank you for your patience while we continue to deal with inclement weather.  We are, unfortunately, at the mercy of mother nature and the facilities director at Hopkins in regards to our outdoor season.  When both agree that it's time to play some ultimate, we will be launched into very busy weeks while we all make up league games etc.

As of today (4/20) we will not have access to district fields until 4/29.

Please be aware that while snow is still on the ground, there are a few other things to keep in mind:

- It is up to an individual tournament director to determine the fate of their tournament.  The St. Cloud tournaments are coming up on 4/20 and 5/4-5/5.  We will communicate the TD's decisions as soon as we get them.  An optimistic TD may wait until the day before a tournament to give up and cancel the event.
- Player safety is the most important factor that we consider in these conditions.  If coaches think fields are in any way dangerous they will cancel practices or reschedule games.
- All League games will need to be rescheduled and played despite the delay so far - this means that when the weather cooperates we will have league games on Tuesdays (girls) and Thursdays (boys) but that we could have make up games on another day of the week depending on field availability and the availability of our opponent.  This makes communication with your coaches even more important.  That also means that even though the league schedules for the next 4 weeks have been published here:, that this website will not update to show accurate reschedules.  Parents may want to bookmark this link anyway, as all the field addresses of our opponents are listed.

We know that all of this is inconvenient for family scheduling, and we'll do the best we can to give you advanced warning of practices/games/rescheduling/cancellations, but please understand that all of the teams in MN are struggling with field availability and weather right now.  All we can do is our best.

In the mean time, if there is a flat open space near you please feel free to go throw outside.  Just be careful and stay toasty warm.


Girls practice canceled tonight and game canceled tomorrow

Hi Ladies

Girls practice at Lions is canceled today because of snow on the fields.  Acceleration is still on at 5pm.  See you there. 

Our game against Armstrong is also canceled due to snow. It will be rescheduled.
Rest and take care of your bodies!

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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Varsity trip to Atlanta

Hi everyone; final details for this weekend...better late than never! Sorry they didn't get up earlier this evening! Most of this is confirmation of what you've already received in your emails, but your carpool assignments are new.

The boys are being picked up at the front of the High School by the main entry doors at 12:45. The parents driving carpool will be waiting, so please be ready at this time, not just leaving class. Carpools are as follows;
Sarah Norsted Cohen-
Will Cohen
Michael Lieberman
Max Wolk
Jacob Elias

Laura Condon-
Zach Condon
Joe Kohen
Aaron Raskin
Trey Taylor

Dave Spencer-
Braden Spencer
Wyatt Mekler
Zach Merie

Jim Shear-
Zach Shear
Benji Mosow

Boys, please find your car and get situated as quickly as possible so everyone can depart for the airport without wasting too much time. The coaches will be meeting you at the airport. I will be meeting you in Atlanta. Make sure you have your ID. You will get your boarding pass at the airport. 

As was discussed at the meeting tonight, you need to bring either a sleeping bag or blanket, and a pillow if you want to sleep with one. Please remember the rule about liquids being less than 3 oz. and having to fit in a quart size Baggie when you go thru security. I know it can seem difficult to think of packing everything in a carryon, but this team has done it many times and made it work. Make sure you have a reusable water bottle with you, and plenty of socks. You'll need money for Friday and Sunday dinners as well as snacks and tournament gear you may want to purchase over the weekend.

Flights are- 
Air Tran
Friday, April 12
Departs MSP 2:51, arrives ATL 6:08

Sunday, April 14
Departs ATL 8:55, arrives MSP 10:34

Air Tran operates out of Terminal #2.

I haven't arranged any carpools for Sunday evening; it's usually easiest for people to make plans to drive with those who live close to them when we return late at night. If anyone needs help with a ride, please let me know, otherwise, please let the boys know what to expect so there are no surprises Sunday night.

If you haven't paid yet, please send a check with your player tomorrow!!!

I'm sure Erin will be tweeting, and you can also find information on score reporter. 
If you have any other questions, please let me know! 

JV Game Cancelled

Tonights JV game vs. Blommington Kennedy has been postponed to a later date due to snow. Make sure that you let all your brothers are aware.

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

JV Game @ Bloomington Kennedy

Hi Everyone,

As of right now our game this week at Bloomington Kennedy is still on for a 6pm start.  The signup genius is below for both player attendance and parent drivers.

The carpool will be departing at 4:45 from Lindbergh parking lot to arrive at the fields between 5:00 and 5:15.  We are still a driver or two short.  If you are getting a ride from your parents please ask them if they can drive a few more at the carpool.

Looking forward to our first game!


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Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Reminder About Attendance

As mentioned before at the registration meeting and multiple times at practice. If you are not at the practice before the game (unless you have contacted a coach with a valid excuse), you will not be allowed to play in the game that week. A few people have signed up under the signup genius who were not at practice today. You are more welcome to come watch and cheer on you brothers on but you will not be receiving any playing time. We ask that you also post that you are just watching under your name.

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Practice tonight

JV practice tonight is still ago from 5-6:30. Dress warm since it will be cold and wet.

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Monday, April 08, 2013

Girls Game Field for Tomorrow Has Changed


The field for tomorrow's game has changed!  It seems that we are not the only ones having trouble with fields being too wet.

New field is at New Hope Elementry School 8301 47th Ave. N. New Hope MN 55428, right across the street from the high school. 

See you there.

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JV Carpool Signups

Hi All,

Below is an email from Digital Dave with all the information you need to signup for carpools to away games.  We will be using these signups to understand player attendance and drivers for the season.

JV Players: Use this link to signup for Regular season games
JV Parents: Use this link to signup to drive to away games:

Please check the blog regularly for updates to games, tournaments, and practices.  Just a reminder that you need to be at all games 45-60 minutes before it begins (meaning 5:00 - 5:15 for a 6:00 start).

I am the carpool coordinator for the HURT JV this spring. I have created a signup for us to manage the driving for JV away games. The signup is at
Also, we need to start collecting player signups for the next few weeks. The player signup page is at:
ONE CAVEAT... the game schedule may change. So you can check the blog and/or check back to the signup periodically and adjust your signup as necessary. If you need to make a correction and can’t figure it out, just drop me an
Some notes:
  • LOCAL away games will not have formal carpools. Parent will need to drive their kids to these games and/or arrange with a friend for a ride. These games are 4/18 – Robbinsdale Cooper, and 5/2 Benilde St. Margaret.
  • We will provide carpool assistance for the longer travel away games such as: 4/11 – Prior Lake, and 4/25 – Maple Grove
  • When you sign up, please indicate the number of EXTRA kids you can transport, so we can know how many seats we have available.
  • On the signup page, the time listed is the departure time necessary to get you there for warmups, 45-60 mins in advance of game time which is 6:00 pm.
URGENT: We need to know ASAP who will be driving to Prior Lake on Thursday. Please sign up now if you can drive.
David Seffren


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JV Practice Tomorrow

JV will be having practice at Lions Park in Golden Valley tomorrow. Practice will begin at 5:00. That means cleats on, jogged and stretched by 5, not getting to practice at 5. Also, as we have mentioned in practice and at the meetings this year if you plan on playing in the games on Thursday you must be at the practice before the game. If you have a valid excuse for not being able to make it you must contact one of the coaches before practice. Don't forget to dress for the weather!!!!

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Girls Practices

We have fields and a plan!!

Here's the schedule for the next three weeks.  Please plan on the schedule being same for the rest of the season with practice Monday nights, games on Tuesdays and practice again on Thursdays. Time will change slightly for Mondays in May and will be 6:30-8pm due to feild change.  More to come soon. 

Monday 4/8 3-4pm Throwing practice Lindberg
Tuesday 4/9 6pm Game at Cooper- Meet at Lindberg at 4:45pm for carpool, need to be at Cooper at 5:15pm
Thursday 4/11 6-8pm Practice at Lions Park Golden Valley

Monday 4/15 6-8pm Practice at Lions Park (accleration girls will go to practice after training and be there by 7pm)
Tuesday 4/16 6pm Game at home against Armstrong- be at Lindberg by 5:15pm
Thursday 4/18 6pm-8pm Practice at Lindberg

Monday 4/22 6-8pm Practice at Lions Park (accleration girls will go to practice after training and be there by 7pm)
Tuesday 4/23 6pm Game at Edina- be at Lindberg by 4:45 for carpool, need to be at Edina at 5:15pm

Thursday 4/25 6pm-8pm Practice at Lindberg

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Saturday, April 06, 2013

This Monday, April 8th, the girls will be having a throwing practice after school at Lions Park. If the girls want to play at the first game, which is that Tuesday, the girls MUST be at this practice. It will go until 4 pm.

Your email:

Monday, April 01, 2013

Practice this week.

Yes, there's still snow on all of our fields.  It's put us in a bit of a bind.

We heard back from the facilities coordinator today and have obtained some additional indoor time [Thank you Sara].  Outdoor practices will start the week of the 8th.  Those will be finalized later this week when the MNYU schedule comes out.

Wednesday 4/3 6-7:30pm WJH structure - Boys V, JV
Sunday 4/7 6-8pm WJH structure - all team practice
Sunday 4/14 6-8pm WJH structure - JV only practice

In the mean time, if you can find a dry patch of grass - go throw!  But be careful, the ground is uneven/thawed/frozen etc.

Sorry the weather is being stubborn!
Thanks for your patience,


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