The bus will be departing for Centrals at 9:00 am, Friday morning, from the back of the Adath parking lot. Please be at Adath at 8:40am to check in, and to ensure that we take off on time. We will be making a stop for lunch and dinner, so we anticipate the trip to take 11 1/2 to 12 hours.
We've been told that the final game and ceremony should be complete by 4:30 on Sunday. We'll plan on leaving as quickly as we can following these events, and make a fast dinner stop on our way out of town. If everything goes as planned, I'm guessing we'll get back into Mpls around 3:30 or 4:00 am.
Breakfast will be served at the hotel each morning. We will have our snack bags with us at the fields, although if you have special snacks you prefer, make sure you bring them with. There will be an event Saturday evening that all teams will attend, and dinner will be served, although I've found in past years that players often are hungry again later in the evening, and will order pizza or Chinese at the hotel. Players are responsible for their own meals whenever we stop while on the bus. Players may also want to bring money for gear at the tournament. There will be an opportunity to swap jerseys with other teams during Saturday evening's event, so be sure to bring some things if you're interested.
If you haven't already filled out an
updated USAU medical form, please do so IMMEDIATELY, and email it to me at, or bring it with you tomorrow. YOU CAN'T PLAY WITHOUT THIS!
Medical form