I'm excited for the fall season to begin! It's always fun reconnecting with returning players and their families. And I enjoy meeting new players/families.
I have listed important dates coming up starting with the fall meeting:
Our fall informational/registration meeting will be held on
September 18 @ 7:00pm at Hopkins High School room W230. A parent/guardian should plan on attending with their player, as information is relevant to both adults and kids.
Practice for ALL players/teams starts Thursday September 4th! We are at Maetzold field in Hopkins from 6-8:30pm W & TH. Fall practices are for NEW and veteran players! We intentionally hold our registration meeting after practices start to allow prospective players a chance "try" Ultimate out.
We will once again be working with Jon Frank and Impact Fundraising selling discount cards to raise money for Hopkins Ultimate. This was an exciting and fun way to bring players and parents together. Stephan Elias has offered to oversee this fundraising event again this year. There will be an informational meeting prior to the 'BLITZ DATES' which are:
Sunday September 21st and Sunday October 5th.
We have several opportunities and positions for parents to volunteer:-). Feel free to contact me for more information.
Have a great Labor Day weekend !
Need to talk to Coach Erin?