Sunday, July 16, 2006

Four Ways to Get ready for fall

1. Throw every day. Especially if it is windy, throw! If it is hot, go to the beach. If it is rainy go to lindberg gym. Work on pivoting wide and releasing your throw low with lots of spin. See if you can throw your backhand with just your wrist or your flick with little arm movement. You can call me or any other player, better yet, call someone who doesn't play(preferably tall) and try and recruit them.

2. Keep active. It is hard to go running or to climb stairs but it's great if you can do that. Otherwise play soccer or tennis or go biking. You might not be in great shape when fall rolls around but at least you'll be able to run a lap or two.

3. Talk it. Watch it. Read it. There are lots of great websites out there (and linked to on the right) that have info, strategy, and free videos of ultimate. Check 'em out, it's almost as good as playing and you can learn a few things. If you are looking for some summer reading there is a book called Ultimate: Techniques and Tactics by James Parinella and Eric Zaslow. It has lots of great strategy.

4. Design a logo or write a cheer. We are always looking for logos to use or cheers to do at games. Don't be shy, I have designed quite a few pieces of crap for Jake and he has only made fun of me once. Also write some cheers, I don't care if you just change the words to a rap or write a haiku (it's 5-7-5 btw).

Anyone have any other suggestions?


Coach Lou said...

Yeah, I have a suggestion. This might sound ludicrous since you didn't include it in your top 4, but how about, um, PLAY ULTIMATE!

Coach Lou said...
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Anonymous said...

If its rainy, throw outside!

Anonymous said...

Are there going to be any pickup games coming up?

Carl Peaslee said...

I would like there to be, however, Greg and I are going to be gone this week, and I will be gone the following week so someone else will have to take the initiative. I have had limited success in starting any games, but best of luck to anyone. I will probably give it another go when I return in a few weeks.