Monday, May 14, 2007


You are Invited to the
Hopkins Ultimate Final Banquet

Ultimate Party! Dessert Buffet and Awards Ceremony

Date: Wednesday May 30, 2007

Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Location: Eisenhower Cafeteria

Cost: No cost for players. $14.00 for parents and guests. Please make your check for the party out to Hopkins Ultimate. You can send it to the below address or give it to Jodi Alter or Jennifer Kreiman at the party.

RSVP by May 18
Please fill out the below form and mail it to Ivan Arenson or email your reply to:
Jodi Alter and
Jennifer Kreiman
Include the names of the players, and number of parents/guests who will be attending.

Please RSVP by May 18
Send in this form along with your payment to:
Ivan Arenson
11933 Orchard Ave. W.
Minnetonka, MN 55305
Name of Player(s)

Number of Parents/guests attending ­­­­­­­ #adults______# kids__________

Make Check out to Hopkins Ultimate
Amount Paid ($14 per Parent/Guest) $___________________________

Check Number #______________________________________________

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