Wednesday, November 14, 2007

LADIES: Manditory Team Meeting

On 16 December from 1 - 4pm we will be having our first team meeting at Ann Shaw's house.

Please check the Comments section for Ann's address and what snackies you will be ask to bring.

See you there!
Coach Kell


k-rae said...

Ann and Erin's house is located at 4902 Beacon Hill Rd, Mtka 55345.

Anonymous said...

i say that seniors bring the food:
how bout we get two girls to sign up for each of these:
entree (remember its around lunch)

dibs on salad

and if any other youngen would like to bring something you should bring an entree.


Anonymous said...

i forgot about drinks!

jay day and shneezle its all you.
no pop.
dont screw this up... your playing time depends on my satisfaction.
you think im kidding but im so far from joking its so not funny that its funny

(that last part was for curmish to get. heres your hint... 'figure that one out simon!')

not simon g

Anonymous said...

YEAH DOGG 100%!!!!!
i will not play you if you think i will play my stomach thinks your food is good and i think it's satisfactory...
just bring something good.

i get desert. slaaht!


Anonymous said...

p.s. that was a little too simon.

so, to correct myself...

you're not not not not not providing drinks.


Anonymous said...

question: are we or are we not providing drinks? i am very confused...

Anonymous said...

hahaha yes, you and shneezle bring drinks. please. thanks haha

Kari said...

I'll bring an entree but what? and someone needs to call kal elise and jane to let them know they should bring sumthin.


oh, and is that a sunday? because if it is, i will be like 45 min late, because i have work until 130.

Anonymous said...

yep it is a sunday, so thats fine, and kali wont be here she'll be in israel