Tuesday, December 18, 2007

HERt Force Meeting

We had a great meeting last Sunday with the ladies' team. And just so the parents know, the kids were challenged to fundraise $2000 by 1 March 2008 to help with expenses to go to a travel tournament in Denver in April. I will email you my list of tournaments for the spring season; and soon they will also all be on the calender here on the blog.

Also, I would like to hold a Parent/Player meeting for HERt on 24 Feb. It would be for about 2 hours, sometime in the afternoon. Is anybody willing and able to host?

And if there are any parents out there new to Ultimate, you are more than welcome to come check out a practice. Come see why your kid loves Ultimate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the dailey's can host the 2/24 meeting in golden valley.
