Thursday, February 07, 2008


See the comments to this post for information about the exec board meeting on

Feb 11th



Anonymous said...

We need to have a meeting and have one scheduled for next Monday Feb 11th.

First question is Monday the 11th ok or has there been something scheduled that would conflict for many of us? PLEASE ADVISE & ASSUME THE MEETING IS ON UNLESS YOU HEAR OTHERWISE

We will host it our home at 7 PM

11933 ORCHARD AVE W, 55305

Please send me what you want on the agenda.

This meeting is very important for the spring

1. Tournament
2. Launch meeting
3. identifying spring trips
4 recruiting
5. fund raising

Please RSVP so I know
1. if you are coming
2. if you'll need me to order pizza for you
3. if there is someone else we should invite (forward to milbrath)

k-rae said...

Yes - please let's have the meeting this monday as i can get off work early enough to make it. I will not need pizza, but food is always good. I do not have anything specific in mind for the meeting agenda except for meeting with my captains to touch base.

Sheri (Emma's and Sarah's mom) said...

I'll be there, Ivan. No pizza required. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Some may feel squeamish about eating it, but rabbit has a fan base that grows as cooks discover how easy they are to raise — and how good the meat tastes.