Thursday, June 12, 2008

Host families needed for Eduardo from Brazil

Hopkins Rotary's exchange student at Hopkins High School for the 2008-09
school year is Eduardo, a 16 year old boy from Brazil. Eduardo describes
himself as "a funny guy" who is ready to learn all he can about the United
States, make lots of friends, and play EVERY sport we have here! The Rotary
has a great Fall family lined up for Eduardo, so now we are looking for a
Winter family (December-March) and Spring family (March-June). Would you
like to know more about this wonderful opportunity? Please call Hopkins
Rotarian Barb Westmoreland (952-935-5180) for a "no pressure" conversation
about host families. Barb would also like to talk with families about the
Rotary exchange year abroad program for your child. It's a life changing

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