Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"Hold Back the Snow" Tourney in Winnipeg - October 18 & 19

I hope everyone's had a wonderful summer, filled with ULTIMATE fun. Just wanted to let you mark your calendars for the Hold Back the Snow tourney in Winnipeg. The dates this year are October 18 & 19. Coach Jake has confirmed that Hopkins Ultimate will be represented by two teams. I'll be making the bus and hotel reservations in the very near future. If you have any special requests, please contact me at jdailey@healthmarketer.com. You should know that "Bullet" called me this summer to again tell me how much he enjoyed and admired the Hopkins Ultimate athletes when he accompanied us to West Nationals last spring. He is hoping that we will "allow him to drive the team to Winnipeg this fall." It sure sounds good to me. All in favor?


Anonymous said...

who is bullet

John Dailey said...

Bullet = Bryce, the bus driver.

Anonymous said...

we should definately have bullet!


Anonymous said...

everyone know that that is mea weekend?

Anonymous said...

Bullet is my man! Yes, make him drive us please!

Jake said...

How does MEA weekend affect you?

Will you be gone, or do you think we can still field 2 teams?

Coach Jake

Kachelmacher said...
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Anonymous said...

Tom Kachelmacher would like to go

Anonymous said...

john i sent you an email but just in case sam wants to go and room with his teammates i will need my own room

steve bumsted