Wednesday, November 19, 2008


The Blog gets boring during the winter, so just like the great Carl Peaslee I am going to start posting trivia. Correct answers will be given one point, and at the end of the winter season I will add up all the points and award a prize to the winner.

So here is the first TRIVIA QUESTION:
PART I: Which university has won the most UPA College Nationals Championships since 1984?
PART II: Which High School has won the most UPA High Invites?
PART III: Which Club team has won the most UPA Club Championships (OPEN DIVISION)?

To get the point all three parts must be answered correctly. Start searching and one day you might have the ultimate knowledge that will win you the grand prize!!!!

Trivia will be moved to     .... SCAR is currently in the lead with one point... keep checking for more questions!!!


Anonymous said...

Club Team: Tie between New York and DoG with 6 each

College: UCSB Black Tide with 5

High School: Amherst


Anonymous said...

whoops UCSB won 6 but they still have won the most


Anonymous said...

New York and Death or Glory (DoG) both have won 6 club championships.

California Santa Barbara has won 6 open and 3 womens titles.

I would have to guess Amherst for high school, but I don't really know. They are almost always the best team in Mass.


Anonymous said...

oh wait, so by saying the exact thing as scar, you think that you will get the points? really ethan?

Anonymous said...

ethan why would you guess the exact same thing as me?

Anonymous said...

Because I think you're right. I know the first two are right, and Amherst seems like the most logical answer since they have been good about every year for the last 10+ years. It doesn't seem fair to me either that everyone can see the answers that other people put. If I don't get the point, that's fine, but maybe there should be a different way of submitting our answers, cause this doesn't seem fair to me either.

Anonymous said...

haha shut up

Mikey K said...

Good work Scar and Corns. Corns thanks for keeping this discussion up!

Mikey K