Saturday, December 06, 2008

Boys Varsity Winter Practice

Hey guys,

It's that time that we start getting into better shape...outside of regular practice. This will be our schedule.

Monday @ 3:00 - Lindbergh

Tuesday @ 5:15 - Williston (sp?)

Wednesday - Off (It would be wise to do planks, it will only take up about 10 min of your time)

Thursday @ 3:00 - Lindbergh

Friday - Off

Saturday @ 1:00 - Various Locations that will be posted to let people know

Sunday @ 7:00 - West Jr. High

The days that we added (Monday, Thursday, and Saturday) are just as mandatory as any other practice. If you aren't there, you are letting your teammates down, and we are not growing stronger as a team.

Stay tuned for more information...

(This will be starting on Monday 8th)


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