Monday, March 30, 2009

Ladies Skills Clinic with Pop

Pop (a pretty talented women's team in the area) is hosting a skills clinic. They hope to teach some new drills, improve some skills and get all you ladies excited about the upcoming season. Sounds like a pretty sweet opportunity to take advantage of local talent. Here are the details:

When: Saturday April 18th from 9am-1pm
Where: Lake Nokomis fields (on the north side of the lake)

Please check this out if you are available. Should be a great learning experience.


Anonymous said...

is jeanine going?

Jeanine said...

Nope, I can not be there. I will be at a dance competition in Iowa.

Erin said...

There is a registration form for this clinic! If you'd like to go, please talk to one of the coaches to get a copy.