Monday, October 26, 2009

Pampered Chef Fundraiser!

Do your part to stir up some funds for all the

Hopkins Ultimate teams!

We hold various fundraisers throughout the year in order to help reduce the expenses of tournaments and travel. Hopkins Ultimate will receive 25% off all the sales generated from this fundraiser! (15/% from the Pampered Chef, 10% donated by the consultant).

Your participation is important, so here’s what you can do:

1. Place an order. Catalogs and order forms can be picked up from Val Schoonover, or you or out-of-town family and friends can place orders (that benefit our club!) online. Online orders are delivered directly to the customer.

2. Plan on coming to the Pampered Chef Show at Val Schoonover’s house on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5th at 7:00pm! Don’t forget to invite your moms and dads!

There will be interactive demonstrations, and great food to sample!

Send your email address to, so that she can send you an email invitation and a link to the on-line catalog to place an order.

***There will be PRIZES awarded to team members who collect orders of $100 or more, and a GRAND PRIZE to the Hurt/Hert member who has the most sales! All orders are to be turned in by Saturday, November 14th. The orders will be received in time for Thanksgiving!

--Huge thanks to Barb Schoonover for her work and contribution in organizing this fundraiser.


Anonymous said...

We own and use a lot of Pampered Chef stuff. I'm not the head cook, but I like the products.

Ivan A

Anonymous said...

Is anyone missing a woman's (we think) reddish colored jacket from either Winnipeg or practice? I believe it is "Outerwear" brand. Thanks, Klaneys