Wednesday, December 02, 2009

*UPDATED* Upcoming Practices and Hurt Events

Hi Guys -

As you may notice on the right hand menu, our winter practice space is coming together.

Here's a quick update on the next week ahead:

The Girls and Varsity teams have a practice on Sunday 12/6 from 8-10 AM at the Plymouth dome. We only have half a field on this day, so we don't have enough room for all three teams this time. There will be more space available throughout the winter and everyone *should* get some time to use this facility.

The JV team has practice on Tuesday 12/8 from 5:15-7 PM at Williston Center. We don't officially get the court until 5:30, but be there early so you have some time to change your shoes, etc. Please bring indoor shoes as this is a synthetic basketball court floor. Bring a WHITE shirt, a DARK shirt, YOUR OWN WATER, and a disc as well.

The Girls and Varsity teams have been invited to St. Olaf in Northfield, MN, on Saturday 12/12 for an indoor scrimmage. The Girls are going from 10 AM - 12 PM, and the Boys Varsity from 12-2 PM.
  • Girls, please meet at Lindberg at 8:15 AM to carpool.
  • Boys, please meet at Lindbergh at 10:15 AM to carpool.
All players who are attending this scrimmage need to bring the signed waiver found here. If you are under 18, your parent or guardian must sign this as well.

Both of these trips, though indoor, are weather permitting (i.e., we're not driving through a blizzard). Thanks to Hurt Alum Andrew 'RZR' Kelley for inviting us!

Again, in this flu season, sharing water is IRRESPONSIBLE. Do not share water and get your teammates sick! Bring your own bottle or use the water fountain at Williston.


val said...

i really don't think i'll be able to make it on saturday, i've got the ACT at 8

Anonymous said...

is this sunday morning practice gonna be a weekly thing?

Mara Saltzman said...

I can go to both! I'm very excited to play some ultimate!!!

Mia said...

i regrettably cannot go to the practice on 12/6, but can make it to the st. olaf scrimmage!

Anonymous said...

i can't go to either one due to other conflicts

Anonymous said...

I will be unable to attend the JV practice due to a band concert for school.

-Aaron Blaser

Unknown said...
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Erin said...

The Plymouth Dome space is not going to be available on a weekly basis. We have it a handful of times this winter.

Since this is the best indoor space available for us (turf = cleats!) and the most expensive, please make it a priority to come to these practices so we get our money's worth.