Friday, June 04, 2010

Knollwood Cub Foods Fundraiser

Yesterday was our first day of selling hamburgers, hot dogs and brats at Cub and I have to admit, I had fun! Thank you to Randy Steinman, Benny Greenfield and Zach Mekler for being the first to help me run the stand. We were all amazed at how popular this is; it was hopping all day long. That being said, the stand can be run with 2 people at a time, but is easier and more efficient with 3. Cub supplied us with an employee most of the day yesterday, but that won't always be the case. Please check your calendars and email me to sign up for a shift. Parents and players don't have to be able to work together; a lot of the players will be gone at camp from mid June through July so any parent or alum volunteers during this time will really be appreciated. Although I learned quickly that we should try to have players there as often as possible; within 30 minutes of arriving Benny and Zach had recieved more tips than we'd gotten in 3 1/2 hours!

Shifts are 10:30-2 and 2-5:30 every Thursday through August. You should plan to arrive a few minutes early(@10min for the a.m. shift) and we found that we were done yesterday by 5:40.

my email address is

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