Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Winnipeg trip

If you are planning to travel to Winnipeg and play in Hold Back the Snow, October 15-17, please post a comment as soon as possible so we can get an idea of who is interested in attending. Remember, we are limited to 36 players. I will post all details tomorrow; I just wanted to get this posted so you could start signing up

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Anonymous said...

Drew Locketz would like to go

Anonymous said...

Benji Mosow would like to go!

Anonymous said...

Braden Spencer would like to go too!

Anonymous said...

Jake Hoffman wants to go

Anonymous said...

Maddie Hudek would like to go

Anonymous said...

Sam Parker would like to go

Michael said...

Michael Lieberman would like to go!

Anonymous said...

Wyatt and Zach Mekler want to go

Anonymous said...

Chris Lovagnini would love to go.

Anonymous said...

Jason Fink would LOVE to go

Anonymous said...

aaron and daniel raskin

Anonymous said...

Eli does not only want to go, but he IS going

Anonymous said...

Sam Bumsted will be joining Eli on his trip

Anonymous said...

Aaron Blaser would like to attend the festivities.

Anonymous said...

Dylan Younger is all there!

Anonymous said...

Jacob Elias would like to go.
His dad is willing to chaperone

Unknown said...

Josh Margolis would like to go

Mia said...

Mia Bronstein would love to go!

Anonymous said...

Will Cohen wants to go!!

Anonymous said...

jeremy would enjoy attending

Anonymous said...

jack sussman would like to go but not be able to play cause of injury if thats ok.

Anonymous said...

Ethan Friedman is planning on attending.

Anonymous said...

Joel Ratner would like to go!!!!

Anonymous said...

Benny G would love to go.

Anonymous said...

Linette Maeder would like to go

Anonymous said...

Niki Benson would like to go

Anonymous said...

Jake Beggin would like to go.

Haley said...


Anonymous said...

Danny Gollin would be ecstatic to go

Anonymous said...

Jason Fink Would like to go!

Nice word Gollin

Anonymous said...

JJ would fancy to go

Anonymous said...

Alex Lehman would like to go!

Anonymous said...

Adam Shapiro would like to go

Anonymous said...

Adam Shapiro wants to go

Anonymous said...

Zach Condon would like to go!

Anonymous said...

Erynn and Alexa Schroeder would like to come! Maybe a couple other Armstrong girls too :)

Anonymous said...

Mark Barry would like to go!!!

Anonymous said...

Jordan Barry Would like to go!

Anonymous said...

Shosh Engelson would like to go

Anonymous said...

Shosh Engelson would like to go