Monday, February 28, 2011

Wednesday JV Practice - Confirmed

Hey JV team -

We have the opportunity to run a JV-only practice this Wednesday (@ Kimberly Lane, 6:30 - 8:30). Since we are on such short notice, we need a commitment from 10 JV team members to make this a viable practice. If we can't get the numbers, the Varsity team will take the space instead.

If you can make practice, please post in the comments below.


Update (5PM Tuesday): JV practice is confirmed for Wednesday.

See the embedded link above for the location of Kimberly Lane Elementary. For future reference, all practice locations can be found by following the practice link under "Hopkins Ultimate Links" on the sidebar to the right of this post.


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Anonymous said...

I can come


Anonymous said...

I can come


Max Sandler said...

max sandler can com3

Anonymous said...

where is kimberly lane???

Michael said...

Lieberman can come.

Anonymous said...

Drew can come

Anonymous said...

i cant come i have hebrew school


Anonymous said...

Trey can come
But I need to know where Kimberly lane is

Anonymous said...

I cant come on wednesdays, i have hebrew school. sorry.

-Will Cohen

mosey Krelitz said...

i can come


Anonymous said...

Sam Kaminsky is going to be there!!

Unknown said...

hebrew school will be a problem for me.

Anonymous said...

Josh can come, please post address and/or directions.

Max Sandler said...

if you click on Kimberly lane in the description its shows you a map on how to get there

-max sandler

Anonymous said...

Chris Lovagnini will not be able to make it.

Anonymous said...

I can't come because i have Hebrew school

- Joel Ratner

Erin said...

Way to pull it together JV!
Coach Erin

Anonymous said...

jacob can come

Jason said...

I can't attend this week.

Anonymous said...

Trey is sooo confused, is kimberly lane an Elementary school????

Erin said...

Kimberly Lane Elementary is, in fact, an Elementary school in Plymouth off of Old Rockford Rd.

When you walk into the school, the gym is to the left and there are signs on the walls (high up) with arrows to the gym.

have fun,

Anonymous said...

Josh was going to make it, but he has not finished his homework and has a bad headache. He left a voicemail message too.