Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Friday Practice at the Plymouth Dome

We won't be able to go outside before Chicago, so we need to take all the space we can get before it. We have an opportunity to go to the Plymouth Dome on Friday March 11, but it would be at 10:30pm. That is the only time we can get. We need to have 14 or more people for this space to be worth our time and money. So please post in the comments if you can go to this practice so we can book the space immediately. Tell everyone on the team to post if they can go. It will be by far the most important practice of the year if we can get the people. If you can't get a ride that late, your teammates will take care of you

Update 3/10/2011 12:00 pm: Practice is on, we have enough. Now that it is a sure thing, it is mandatory.

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Anonymous said...

eli is going

Anonymous said...

seffren would love to!!!

Anonymous said...

gollin is going

Anonymous said...

Hoffman is going lets do it

Anonymous said...

bumsted is ther

Anonymous said...

I would really like to go but I can't on account of a Church all-nighter.


Anonymous said...

both Mekler's are going

Anonymous said...

Benny G. Good to go

Anonymous said...

Saunders is going

Anonymous said...

Zac Merie can go

Anonymous said...

Tyler perry is going two bee their

Anonymous said...

Benji is going

Anonymous said...

Jaytay can go

Anonymous said...

I would love to go, but unfortunately I cannot. I have an audition early the next morning.
