Tuesday, March 15, 2011

St Johns Indoor Roster

JV Boys-

Sorry for the late post, but below is the roster for St Johns this weekend:
- Ben Pavelka
- Ryan
- Drew L
- Jason H
- Max Rosen
- Zach Shear
- Jacob Elias
- Mike Lieberman
- Braden Spencer
- Ethan Friedman
- Aaron Raskin
- Charlie Cousins
- Joel Ratner
- Max Sandler
- Will Cohen
- Chris Lovagnini
- Sam Kaminsky

Given the number of responses, this roster includes anyone who responded before tonight. If you are not on the list for this weekend, there will be no practice, you have the weekend off. This tournament is the first of many for us this spring, so there will be plenty of time to get tournament playing in, if you are not going this weekend.

If you have any questions, concerns, or thoughts on this weekend or the season as a whole, please dont hesitate to ask.

More tournament information will follow in a subsequent post.


Coach Tallis


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Anonymous said...

aye im going with drew l. i dident sign up in time but i really dont care if i dont get to play.


asher m

Anonymous said...

I would love to go too, I apologize for not signing up in time I'm just getting in the swing of things from other seasons. Even if its not okay for me to play I'll come cheer you guess on. Please let me know if I can play.

Trey Taylor

Anonymous said...


Tallis Boyd said...

Trey and Asher, if we have room in cars (Trey your parents are helping coordinate carpooling?), we would love to have you along to cheer and supporting your teammates from the sidelines. We should be able work you into the playing rotation some as well.

Coach Tallis

Anonymous said...

thanks coach
