Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Varsity trip to Western Nationals

Okay boys, I will be sending out an email to parents in the next day or two with details about cost and other questions they might have regarding the trip to Oregon in May, that we discussed on Sunday. As I try to put everything together it would be helpful for me to have an idea of how many of you think you would like to go to Nationals. So, even if you haven't gotten the final okay from your parents yet, please post if you are hoping to go. We will need an actual commitment by the beginning of next week at the latest.


Anonymous said...

sam bumsted is going

Anonymous said...

Jason Fink. is for sure going

Anonymous said...

Benny G is going

Anonymous said...

Ymek is going

Anonymous said...

Jaytay can go

Anonymous said...

steinman would like to be in attendance

Anonymous said...

gollin is going

Anonymous said...

Z Mekler is going

Anonymous said...

Daniel Raskin will be there fo sho

Anonymous said...

Eli will be going, but.......well you know

Anonymous said...

Tyler perry is going

Anonymous said...

Joel Ratner is going

Anonymous said...

Benji Mosow is going

Anonymous said...

Aaron Blaser would like to go.

Anonymous said...

Seffren really wants to go!!!

Anonymous said...

Jake Hoffman is going.