Thursday, June 02, 2011

More Banquet information

We are looking for 15 families to provide 2 dozen cookies or bars for our banquet. The team will provide beverages. If you'd like to bring sweets, please click on this sweets link, which will bring you to a sign up sheet. If you are bringing sweets please plan on arriving a few minutes early or make arrangements to drop your food off to Sara earlier in the day.

I understand there has been much frustration with the lack of a "plan" for the banquet. I did ask for volunteers to plan it at the spring meeting, and had no takers. My first (Ultimate) priority for the past month and a half has been travel and tournaments, oh yeah, and Cub...Please know that even though it may look like nothing is being done, behind the scenes a lot of things are happening.We have picked and had to cancel more days than I can count, along with locations that were only available on certain days. It's an extremely busy time of year, and we'll never be able to pick a date that works for everyone. We're hopeful that a majority of the players and parents are able to attend Monday night.

Parents, please think about how you would like to be involved in HURT next season as we will spend a couple minutes talking about volunteer opportunities. And bring your calendars~we will have the Cub calendar out for everyone to sign up!

Looking forward to seeing all of you Monday night!


Anonymous said...

I couldn't get to the link-but I'd love to help and bring cookies-Lisa Ratner

val said...

sara you do SUCH a good job!! Don't ever think that we don't appreciate all that you do for our club. My family and I won't be able to make it to the banquet because I have work and we have a conflicting party, but rock on HUrt way to add another state championship, and ROCK ON SARA MEKLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!