Wednesday, July 27, 2011

NexGen vs. SubZero on August 7th

Hurt'ems and Hertets (and curious parents),

Have you heard of the NexGen ultimate tour?

The tour's mission is to promote ultimate by providing access to elite level college players through youth workshops and showcase games with the best club teams in the world.

The last stop on to tour is Minneapolis and our very own Greg Arenson is hoping that we can help him promote both the workshop and the game versus Sub Zero.

The workshop is a really exciting opportunity for youth players to learn with someone like the current Callahan winner and other great college players like Greg. Check out​shops/information. Players should register online.

Also, the game versus Sub Zero will be in the National Sports Center Stadium in Blaine, a great venue. Please check out the website

Feel free to forward this on to your other ultimate playing friends - watching the game will be an excellent RECRUITING opportunity (ahem, bring some new girls especially!).

As you all may know, Greg is a current Greyduck player and has played on SubZero in past years. There are other HUrt alums (like Klaney) who have made SubZero this year or who are playing with NexGen who will also be in attendance.

I'm sure they will put on quite a show!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Erin,