Tuesday, September 20, 2011

HBTS 2011

Hurtems and Hertets,

If you would like to go to Winnipeg, you must post in the comments below.

Player Cost $185
Estimated Departure time: 11:30am - 12:00pm October 14th
Estimated Return time: Midnight October 16th

In order to post in the comments below you must:
Have a valid passport
Have your parents' permission
Have worked a cub foods shift or contacted Sara for an alternative
Include your name and your grade

Please remember that posting in the comments does not mean that you will definitely be going to the tournament. Only 36 players total can attend, so coaches will be using various criteria to finalize the rosters. Practice attendance, communication, fundraising and (if necessary) school year will affect who can go.

All decisions will be made on September 26th, so posts made after Sunday September 25th will not be considered.

Parents - we'd love to have you! Hotel rooms are $115 per night, and bus transportation is $70 for parents (but may change depending on how many parents can go).



Michael said...

Michael Lieberman, 10th.

Anonymous said...

Jacob Elias 9th

Anonymous said...

Z-mek 12
Y-mek- 11

Anonymous said...

Ryan Franklin 11th

Anonymous said...

Jacob Brandys 12

Anonymous said...

joel Ratner 11th

Mia said...

Mia Bronstein, 12th

Anonymous said...

Drew Locketz 11th

Anonymous said...

Jeff Lifson-12th

Anonymous said...

Ethan Friedman, 10th

Sam K said...

Sam Kaminsky 9th

Anonymous said...

Maddie Hudek, 12

Anonymous said...

Will Cohen, 9th

Anonymous said...

Andrew fern grade 8

Anonymous said...

Benji Mosow - 11
Zoe Mosow - 9

Anonymous said...

Josh Margolis 10th

Sam Parker said...

Sam Parker 11th

Anonymous said...

Meg Lake - grade 11

Anonymous said...

Alexa Schroeder, 11 :)

Anonymous said...

Razel Johnson 11

Anonymous said...

Sam Resnick, 7th

Mark said...

MarK Barry 12th

Anonymous said...

Aaron Raskin 11th
both parents want to go

jordan barry said...

jordan barry 10th

jordan barry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Benny G 12th

Anonymous said...

jordan barry 10th

Anonymous said...

Max Wolk 10th

Anonymous said...

Michael Seffren 12

Anonymous said...

Jeremy Steinman, 12
(working the CF fundraiser October 6)

Anonymous said...

Sam Bumsted, 12th

Anonymous said...

Danny Gollin 12th

Anonymous said...

Trey Taylor 9th

Jordan Tayolr 12th

Anonymous said...

Jonathan Lovagnini 9th

Anonymous said...

Samantha Tankenoff 9th

Anonymous said...

Aaron Blaser, 12th

Anonymous said...

JJ 12

Anonymous said...

adam and lilly shapiro want to go

Anonymous said...

Adam Shapiro (10th) Lilly Shapiro (8th)

Anonymous said...

Alex Lehman 10th

Anonymous said...

Noa Parker, 10th

Anonymous said...

julia burke, 10th

Anonymous said...

Zach Condon, 10th

Braden Spencer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Braden Spencer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Braden Spencer 10th

Anonymous said...

Mickela Heilicher, 10th

Anonymous said...

Winnie brand 8

Anonymous said...

zach condon - 10th

Anonymous said...

Sorry this is super late ive been figuring some scheduling out, can i stil be considered for going?
