Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Varsity Team Meeting

The time has come to begin thinking about the upcoming season and what we want to accomplish. On Wednesday the 18th, at 6:30, we will be having a team meeting as well as a potluck dinner at my house. We will be talking about the season as a whole and this meeting is just as mandatory as practice.

Each age will be given a type of food to bring, don't be afraid to be creative with your contribution.

Sophomores- Salads (There are only two of you so please make them generous)

Juniors- Main courses (please keep in mind you are providing main courses for the whole team between the four of you)

Seniors- Due to how many seniors there are it will be divided by posistion.

Handlers- please bring drinks (Either a case of individual cans or a gallon/liter of something)

Cutters- you will be bringing desserts

The food will be great and this is another opportunity to get to know your brothers better. once again, this is a mandatory meeting, so please be in attendance.

My adress is 12410 Huntingdon Ln Minnetonka

See you all on Wednesday

1 comment:

jsteinman said...

plz consider making/bringing "puppy chow" senior cutters, it twud orgasmically good