Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Madison Mudbath

Players and Parents~ We will be departing for Madison after school on Friday, from the Lindbergh parking lot. With the large number of players and vehicles we'll have, trying to do this in an orderly and timely fashion could be challenging, so please do your part to help make it happen. Go to the bathroom before you come out to the parking lot so you don't need to run back in! Everyone is assigned to a car, so please check in, so we know you're there, and then you'll find out where to go. All of the carpools are team specific, as they will be going to different homes for drop offs and pick ups.

So the parking lot can clear out a bit, and allow us room to all park together, we'll start meeting at 2:50, and be leaving NO LATER than 3:10.

If you think you'll really be doing homework during the drive, then bring it with, otherwise consider leaving your backpack at school or giving it to your parents. There's going to be lots of gear in every car, so don't bring something you don't need.

The following is from an email Erin sent a few days ago to all the parents who've signed up for the parent google group; if you haven't signed up yet, please do!

General knowledge:
- It is actually harder to stay hydrated at a cold/rainy tournament than it is at a warm one.  Your athlete should be drinking at least 64 ounces of water in the days that lead up to the tournament to help their body get ready - and if you're planning on coming, you should too!
- Mudbath does not have a lunch break - that means players should bring enough food to sustain them.  Small servings of easily digestible snacks are best: Protein, Salt, and Sugar/Carbs - granola bars, nuts, beef jerky, gorp/trail mix, clif shot blocks, gu, fruit snacks etc.  Everything your player eats is going to get burnt off almost immediately, so keep away from things that may make your player feel crappy on an empty stomach (dairy, for example, is a no-no).  If you have questions about this, feel free to call me.  Fuel can make a huge difference.
- KITS - toasty warm!  This past weekend at Face Off, we noticed that not all players were ready for the rain/wind - please help them get the necessary gear in their bag.  The alternative is shivering, soaked teenagers.
- Spectators have to be prepared even more than the players (who are running around and therefore warmer than you are) - please be prepared to get cold and wet.  Bring a hat, mittens, warm jacket; wear layers or snow pants, aim for water proof items and shoes that are going to keep you warm and dry in muddy conditions.  You will probably want a chair, a blanket, and an umbrella.  If you have one, bring a tarp!
- Coach tip: I like to hide a dry outfit in my car - something that I can change into after the tournament is over for the ride home.

Packing list for the weekend:
sleeping bag and pillow (players will sleep on the floor)
towel, shower kit, swim suit (we shower at Memorial High School)
your kit (jerseys, shorts, cleats, reusable water bottle etc.)
rain gear: rain coat, trash bag, winter hat, gloves/handwarmers
socks, socks
more socks and additional socks!!!! you can't have to many of these; changing them between games if your feet get wet can make a world of difference.
LAYERS- no cotton!
2x LAYERS (you will get muddy/wet; you will need a spare
outerwear; sweats, a warm jacket
snacks as mentioned above (put them with your kit so you don't forget them in the morning)
A GARBAGE BAG-if it rains you want to keep your gear dry.

Also, remember to pack clothes to change into after showering on Saturday(if you put all this together with your towel, shower kit etc, in a plastic bag, then you won't forget it when you leave for the fields Saturday morning!)

You'll also want something clean to put on for the ride home on Sunday.

We will be stopping both on the way to Madison and on the way home for dinner, which each player is responsible for. Each car decides for themselves, but it's usually some type of fast food. The only other thing you'll need money for is if you want to buy Mudbath gear~ discs, hats, shirts etc.

The final games on Sunday start at 1:45, so we should be leaving Madison by 4 or 4:30.

I'm sure Erin will be tweeting over the weekend, so follow along on our twitter page; @hopkinsultimate

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to send me an email, or contact your team parent.

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