Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Granite City Classic - Drivers Needed

Update (5/2, 9:00pm):  Schedules for GCC have been released and are linked  on the right hand panel.  Additional information on day start/end times are in the comments of this thread.  A more detailed post will follow tomorrow.

Waiver update:  The following players should have received a phone call or message from me to inform them that their waivers are incomplete.  Please update with USAU immediately or you will not be able to join us this weekend:  J. Condon, Z. Condon, Elias, Fern, Maynard, Mintzer, S. Stillman.  Contact Coach Mike with questions.

Original post below:

We are planning to send two teams and about 30 players to the Granite City Classic this weekend.  In order for this trip to happen, we need more parents to step up and drive.  Driving volunteers for this tournament is especially critical because it essentially consists of four 70-mile trips (Sat AM, Sat PM, Sun AM, Sun PM).

If the average vehicle holds four players plus a driver, it means we have about 32 driving slots to fill.  30 players and 32 driving tasks means every parent needs to find an opportunity to help this team get to St. Cloud or help it get home.  Or both!  We love spectators and the weather so far is predicted to be nice.

This is our last event outside the metro area.  We also have a road game at Henry Sibley this week, but after GCC, the JV travel schedule will calm down.  Please make every effort to do your part and help the team.  Contact Debbi Pavelka for more details.  We would hate to leave anybody at home.


aaron raskin said...

I can drive 3 other if I am aloud to on Saturday.

Aaron Blaser said...

I can drive up to 4 both days.

Unknown said...

I can drive 3 kids plus Josh on Saturday back home from Tournament

Coach Mike B said...

Sorry AR, club policy doesn't allow players to drive to out-of-town events. There is a limited exception for Seniors. Bring your Dad!

Sam Kaminsky said...

My parents can drive me plus 2 others to and from on saturday.

Max Wolk said...

We can possibly add another driver from our family if we had some idea of game times on Sat or Sun.

Elias said...

My mom can take 5 kids their and back on sunday

Sam Kaminsky said...

Scratc my last post... We can take me plus 3 kids since my mama aint coming. So to and from on Saturday me plus 3 other kids. (that is if i am allowed to go to GCC)

Coach Mike B said...

Games for all teams begin at 9:30am both days, which means a departure from Lindbergh around 7:00 or 7:15.

The games will be over by 4:30 on Saturday and 2:45 on Sunday. If the A bracket team does not make pre-quarters, they will instead be done at 2:45 Saturday. The Sunday schedule will be the same regardless of Saturday record.

Max Wolk said...

So, we can bring HOME Sat 5 kids (plus Max)-Ideally a couple smaller kids for the 3rd row in the Pilot.
I can drive TO St Cloud Sun am, Max PLUS 5 Kids-again, a couple smaller ones ideal for 3rd row-

Jackson M said...

My parents can drive 5 kids both ways on Saturday. If you need drivers on Sunday, we can do 5 both ways on that day too.

Marschinke said...

My mom can drive home on Sunday. She can take 2 plus me.

Jonathan Lovagnini said...

The Lovagnini's are driving both ways Saturday and have room for one extra Hurt'em. (plus Christopher and Jonathan)

Louis McGraw said...

One of my parents can drive home saturday

mosey Krelitz said...

Just letting everyone know...i wont be going on saturday...sunday only

mosey Krelitz said...

Just letting everyone know...i will not be able to come saturday but i am coming sunday!!