Friday, May 11, 2012

Mandatory JV Practices

JV -

We have practice Monday at the Civic fields and Tuesday at the HHS fields.  These are mandatory for any JV players who wish to play the remainder of the year.  If there is a reason you cannot make Monday, Tuesday, or both, you must let a coach know BEFORE practice.  Attendance will be taken.

See you next week.
Coach Eric


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jacob borenstein said...

I have already committed to play baseball on Monday night. And on Tuesday I need to attend religious school.

Asher Mintzer said...

Bring Sam Parker's jersey because he is coming

Asher Mintzer said...

I can't go today. I have stuff going on

Coach Mike B said...

Please give me or Coach Eric a call to discuss your "stuff". Practice is mandatory without a pre-cleared excuse.