Wednesday, May 02, 2012


Update from Coach Mike (5/3, 2:30pm):  Fields at Sibley have been pulled due to standing water.  However, they have agreed to a game at Hopkins tonight.  Please arrive at Lindbergh no later than 5:15 for warm-up.

Update from Coach Mike (5/3, 12:30pm):  No confirmation yet, but the Sibley coaches are working on alternative field space.  Ultimately, it may come down to how much rain we get this afternoon.

Update from Coach Mike (5/2, 9:00PM):  We have just been notified of an issue with the fields at Sibley.  The Sibley coaches are hopeful the fields will be playable or that an alternative site is available.   Our transportation planning will continue as usual, but keep watching the blog tomorrow for updates.

Original post follows below:Tomorrow's game is an AWAY game!  We have at least 20-25 players going to SIBLEY(map can be accessed by the link on the right, at the game listing). The game starts at 6:00 pm.  Coaches expect players to be there, cleated and ready to warm up by 5:15. We are meeting at 4:15.  Carpools will be leaving Lindbergh no later than 4:30!  If you need a ride and if your parent can drive please post ASAP  on the blog one of these ways:

Name. I need a ride
Name.  I need a ride and my parents can drive me plus # of extra kids.
Name.  I am driving and these team mates are in my car. ( you MUST have had your license for at least 6 months )
Name.  I am playing but do not need a ride there or back.

Parents: I realize this is early and is difficult for those who work, please know that this is a 30 minute drive without traffic and at least 45 during rush hour. If you're leaving from home due to timing, but taking more than your own child, please make sure that all the kids in your car, post with the last option above, so we're not waiting for anyone at Lindbergh. We will be leaving promptly at 4:30 ( or when a car is full).  I will not be arranging one way carpools.  This is a city game and if you're driving there you will be driving back.

As of 6 pm Wednesday evening I am not aware of any parents who can help transport this amazing group of ultimate players!   For those players who played last year.....this is the epic rematch!
Check the blog re: more information about GRANITE CITY!


Michael said...

Michael Lieberman I need a ride.

zach shear said...
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Matt Molnar said...

Matt Molnar needs a ride please.

zach shear said...

Zach Shear is going late, but needs a ride home

maynard said...

collin needs a ride there but my parents can drive people back

Noah Kahn said...

Noah Kahn: My parent can drive me plus 4 other kids

Anonymous said...

Ethan Friedman nees a ride

Ahmree Schear said...

Ahmree Schear will be riding with noah kahn

Ahmree Schear said...
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Jackson M said...

Jackson Melin: My parents can drive me and Mitchell and 3 other people there and back.

Marschinke said...

Daniel Marschinke. I need a ride.

Andrew Fern said...

Andrew Fern would like a ride please.

Josh Margolis said...

Josh Margolis needs a ride to and from Lindberg.

Zach Condon said...

Zach condon would like a ride

Drew said...

asher, louis, and drew are driving up together and will go directly to sibley

Max Wolk said...

Max Wolk needs a ride sorry for posting so late was tring to figure it out

Elias said...

I am playing I will be late I do not need a ride

Stilly said...

Sam Stillman I am playing but need ride

Jonathan Lovagnini said...

Jonathan and Christopher Lovagnini will not be in attendence. Chris is having a headache and Jonny is sick.