Saturday, January 19, 2013

Varsity travel details for Duluth

The carpool for Duluth will be leaving from the Lindbergh parking lot at 8:30 Sunday morning. Please arrive 5-10 minutes early so everyone can depart on time. It's going to be very cold in Duluth, so even though this tournament is indoors, prepare for the weather along with all of your regular gear. 

The final cost per player for the trip is $60.00
Please bring this with you Sunday morning and give it to Sara or Wyatt when you check in for departure.

You will be responsible for the following meals; brunch/lunch on the way to Duluth, dinner Sunday night  and a fast food stop on the way out of town Monday night. The hotel will serve breakfast. There will be a team snack bag, although you should bring your own snacks if you have certain things you want, and please remember your reusable water bottles. 

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