Sunday, September 01, 2013


--Exit 69 Tournament 
SEPTEMBER 28-29, 2013
Maple Plain Polo Fields

Exit 69 has moved from Exit 69 in Northfield to Maple Plain home of our Hustle Tournament. 

This tournament is open to 10th, 11th and 12th graders.  Other aged players  by invitation only.  It  will be clear if you've been invited to participate.   Girls may sign up too. We need 12 girls to send a team to Exit 69. 

Along with playing ultimate, this tournament serves as part of the Varsity try outs.  A college and adult aged team event, our High school aged players compete with older players.
This is a 2 day tournament.  Please sign up carefully on the signup genius.  If you're new to Hopkins Ultimate, all registration paperwork needs to be completed and turned in order to participate.  Registration paperwork will be available at the Fall meeting on September 18.  

The Signup link is here:



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Need to talk to Coach Erin?

Need to talk to Coach Finn?

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