Saturday, October 12, 2013

Chocolate Fundraiser Payment

Players traveling to Winnipeg were asked to sell See's candy bars to help the cost of the bus ride there and back. See the list below if you have not yet turned in your check for the candy bars and please hand/mail it to Noa Parker or Debbi Pavelka by Monday October 14th.
Checks that HAVE been turned in:
Jacob Elias
Braden Spencer
Zach Shear
Max Wolk
Will Cohen
Trey Taylor
Ty Lo
Jonathan Lovagnini
Liam Bronstien
Mickela Heilicher
Claire Smart
Lilly Shapiro
Sam Tankenoff
Jordan Barry
Josh Margolis
Oliver Lee
Andrew Patel
Ben Pavelka
Max Seffren
Jackson Melin
Bobby Rudelius
Maddie Ansel
Winnie Brand
Addie Sedoff
Katie Rudelius

If you are not on this list and you are going to Winnipeg we must have your check by the 14th.
-Noa Parker

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