Wednesday, November 20, 2013



I am so impressed and proud of EVERYONE that participated in last Sundays blitz !

Players! Parents! Drivers! Organizers! Helpers!  And of course our customers!

We, ( everyone ) as a family,  should be proud of the amazing, positive, bonding, cooperative, and
LUCRATIVE, for Hopkins Ultimate Frisbee, experience of last Sundays blitz.

I want to share with you some of the feedback I received before and after Sundays event:

Before :
~ 7 hours!  Are you kidding?
~ these things never work like they're supposed to
~ it's a lot to ask of both players and parents
~ is there an 'opt out' choice?
~ I'm not happy about it but I'll do it, if I have to
~ I have 2 hours. That's it
~ the kids are going to get cold
~ really? After dark too?
~I'm reluctantly helping to support you and the club
~the pizza party thing took too long.  I wanted to kid wanted to stay
~I didn't anticipate buying hot chocolate and fueling the kids with food.  But hey(!),
What's a couple bucks out of my pocket for the type of success we had?
~ although I was initially reluctant... The event turned out to be a positive experience for all
~ok..I'll eat crow, I had fun! the kids had fun! the time went by quickly! I was wrong!
~ the kids in my car had a BLAST   They all gained new self confidence. 
~ I thought the day would drag on.... It actually went by super fast
~ the kids bonded as friends and team mates
~HUGE self esteem builder
~ I didn't want to have fun....but I did!
~ I still don't care for this type of fundraiser...but I've got to admit/VERY SUCCESSFUL
~ the kids in my car want to sign up again for next week! 
~ how does today's totals compare with the weenie wagon!
***WE RAISED MORE MONEY IN ONE 7 hour day than in 7 months of working 
The Cub Foods Weenie Wagon!

David (Digital) Seffren wrote the following for the blog=  Thanks David :-)

HURTems and HURTettes.  What a fantastic day we had on Sunday the 17th.  We made some great money for HURT.  But we are only half way there.  We are going to hit the neighborhoods again this Sunday the 24th.  If we can duplicate our success of Sunday the 17th – the club will be in great shape for our spring season.

ALL the personal incentives are still there.  We will have another $1000 ca$h grab bag, top individual and team sellers will get to pull first and get more pulls.  Accumulated card sales over 50 (presale + 1st blitz + interblitz sales + 2nd blitz) will qualify you for caSh awards (see your envelope); and the top-top-TOP seller (over 50 cards) will take home the iPad Mini !!!!!   Study the video, ask your friends what worked for them, get out there this week and sell-sell-sell to your friends, family and neighbors. AND, PLEASE use the signup to let us know you will be there next Sunday the 24th.
PARENTS !!   We have 15 drivers signed up for the 24th, we are most likely going to need more.  Remember, you get ca$h grabs too.  Please use the signup genius to let us know you will be there.
Blitz day schedule

 November 24th
  • Noon-1 PMRidgedale Library RHR meeting room; pre-blitz meeting
  • 1 PM-6 PM: Blitz selling in defined neighborhoods
  • 6 PM - 7:30 PM: pizza / awards party @ HHS Commons


Your email:

Need to talk to Coach Erin?

Need to talk to Coach Finn?

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