Saturday, January 18, 2014


Varsity players traveling to Duluth
REMINDER:  We will meet  @ Lindbergh at 8:30.  Bring/wear appropriate winter gear. We might be playing indoors but by Monday it will be -14 degrees! 

Players and Parents:

We will be leaving for Duluth Sunday morning, 1/19.  Please be  at Lindbergh by 8:30 AM.  we will leave promptly at 8:45 AM.   Returning Monday, 1/20 in the evening.  
We have several parent drivers for our carpools who will be chaperoning also (Thank you parents!)
Total cost per player to attend is $65.  Checks should be made out to Hopkins Ultimate.  You can give your check to Ben Pavelka at practice tomorrow, mail it to me (Debbi the address is on the sidebar) or bring your check to Lindbergh Sunday morning.  Please note: you MUST pay before we leave.  No payment, no tournament.

We are staying at:

Comfort Suites in Canal Park
408 Canal Park Dr. 
Duluth, MN 55802

Hot/cold breakfast buffet and pool are available.  The player rooms are double queens.  Rooms will be assigned.  
You will be responsible for the following meals; brunch/lunch on the way to Duluth, dinner Sunday night  and a fast food stop on the way out of town Monday night.  There will be a team snack bag, but as always, bring your own snacks/food if you've got particular things that keep you fueled. Remember your reusable water bottle and your swimsuit :-)

Other things you should bring:
WHITE (not gray) SHIRT.
BLACK (not gray) SHIRT.
Athletic shorts and socks.

Sweat pants/warm ups.
Indoor shoes (tennis, cross trainers, basketball, etc.) - this is a hard surface.
Anything else you'd need for playing ultimate.


Your email:

Need to talk to Coach Erin?

Need to talk to Coach Finn?

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