Friday, June 13, 2014

Clinic opportunity - July 5th

Hi all,
Here's a snippet from MNYU about a clinic opportunity coming up in July:
Minnesota Ultimate has the wonderful opportunity to host an elite ultimate tournament called the US Open. Twenty four of the best teams in the world will be visiting the Blaine Sports Center on one of the legs of the USA Ultimate's Triple Crown Tour. Teams from both coasts, different countries, and a few hometown favorites will be playing here Thursday July 3 through Sunday July 6th

MNYU will be offering many elite and FREE opportunities to get our players out to the fields Saturday, July 5th.
** Girls high school clinic hosted by Missy Davey (Armstrong girls coach, POP player)
** K-8th grade clinic hosted by Erin Mirocha (Hopkins boys head coach)

Clinics are FREE and each participant will receive a FREE DISC! Clinic starts at 9am with check in and will finish around noon

Students will also receive free entry into a semi finals game (conveniently starting at noon right afterwards!)

Date: Saturday July 5th 
Time: 9am - 12pm
Place: Field U2 and C1
Cost: Free
This is an excellent opportunity to come with a younger sibling, and for our Hertettes to recruit (bring friends! teach them ultimate!).

Come see me!

Saturday, June 07, 2014


Tomorrow is the much anticipated conclusion of the MNYU
STATE Tournament!!

The schedule has been updated.  All teams start at 9:am.  Players need to be at their fields ready to warm up by 8:am.  Be at Lindbergh by 7:10.  Carpools will leave  at 7:15am  SHARP!  ( please note 694E is closed at hwy 100N as of  today (Saturday) @ 5pm)

 The signupgenius  been updated for players to  sign up for each team.   Sign up here.   PLEASE SIGNUP!  We need to know how many players we have per team!
(JV SILVER-PLEASE have parents signup on the Signupgenius if they are driving and how many extra players they can take.)

Shout out to Arden Lovagnini who graciously stepped up to the plate to be our schools volunteer extraordinaire!  Each school participating tomorrow is required to offer one volunteer for a morning or afternoon shift. Arden will assist the great people who have worked so hard to reschedule the conclusion of State. 

Thanks everyone!  Looking forward to a beautiful day to play Ultimate!



Boys -


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Wednesday, June 04, 2014

We are not quite done :-)

Thank you to all the Players, Coaches, Team Parents, Board members and Parents for doing all that each one of you did this year.  It was wonderful to see so many people last night at the banquet and alumni game!  
But we are still 'in season' until we finish the State Tournament on 
Sunday, June 8!  The signupgenius is updated and live! PLEASE sign up ASAP. 
I'm still in need of a parent volunteer for State.  It's Mandatory that each school provide 1 (or more ) volunteers for Sundays tournament to take place.  It is either a morning or afternoon shift and there are perks for those who help.  If there aren't enough volunteers, no tournament.  Please let me know if you, a family member, friend, alumni, employee ..... are able to help.  

Here is part of the email sent to coaches yesterday!

"We are up to 12 volunteers.  A great start, but many more needed!  I count 31 schools attending on June 8.  And at least 3 of our current 12 are actually coaches from schools which aren't competing on June 8.  So it seems that most of your schools are still a volunteer short!

Here is the current list of volunteers.  Please visit and note if your volunteer is already signed up.  And remember, once you have your school's volunteer lined up for the volunteer requirement, please have that person signup on our website for a morning or afternoon shift."
Please consider taking a few hours to volunteer.    

I am looking forward to Sunday and seeing as many, if not more, fans supporting our teams!

Thanks for an amazing year :-)


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Sunday, June 01, 2014


The Minnesota Youth Ultimate board and coaches spent many hours discussing the best way to reschedule bracket play from today's tournament cancellation. 

Please read the following excerpts from the MNYU board:

"the board has decided that the best option remaining is Sunday, June 8 at the National Sports Center.  We made this decision for a number of reasons, including that no other option had more Yes votes on the survey.  The NSC also has fields available on that day."  

"Schedule for Sunday, June 8.  We currently intend for the schedule for Sunday to be the same as ne 1 (before any lightning-related adjustments.)  So other than the date and the field assignments, we intend the same schedule to take place as is in the program, the USAU website"

"However, we also know that some teams won't be able to make it, so we will likely tweak that schedule after the commitment deadline to promote competitive fairness and maximize quality playing opportunities for all teams.  So please plan for games to take place between 9:00 am and 5:30 pm on Sunday, June 8"

"Saturday Pool Play Makeup Game.  As I mentioned earlier today, we will need teams to makeup theSaturday 2:30 pool play game prior to Sunday, June 8.  Please communicate with your opposing coach immediately, if you haven't already, to setup a time to play the game this week."

We know from our own Hustle tournament decision making process,  there is never a perfect solution.   The MNYU board relies on volunteers, as do we, to organize, set up, staff and run the the State Ultimate  tournament. ( because volunteers will be difficult to come by,  a discussion mandating every team give the tournament a volunteer is on the table )

I know  many players and their families have graduation parties, travel plans including camp departures  next weekend.   Please keep in mind over 70 teams are in the same place we are.  

Coaches will be asking  for player "commitment to play" on June 8th starting ASAP.   There is a deadline of 8pm tomorrow for teams to "commit to participate".   Players,  prior to telling your coach yes of no PLEASE  check with your parents 1st.   It is crucial we have accurate roster counts by the deadline.



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Sunday of State - No Games Today

Sorry all,

I got an email at 6:02am that NSC has pulled the fields for today.

MNYU is going to be having a lot of discussions today about what our options are, and I will communicate them as soon as I can.

But for today, we need to spread the word that there are no games today.  I know that the carpool might already be at Lindbergh, so help me out and call a family member so this news trickles down.


Fields closed

Quick update :  

From: Dave Klink <>
Date: June 1, 2014 at 6:02:32 AM CDT
Subject: [Minnesota Youth Ultimate] Fields pulled
No games today. 
More to follow.

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