Wednesday, June 04, 2014

We are not quite done :-)

Thank you to all the Players, Coaches, Team Parents, Board members and Parents for doing all that each one of you did this year.  It was wonderful to see so many people last night at the banquet and alumni game!  
But we are still 'in season' until we finish the State Tournament on 
Sunday, June 8!  The signupgenius is updated and live! PLEASE sign up ASAP. 
I'm still in need of a parent volunteer for State.  It's Mandatory that each school provide 1 (or more ) volunteers for Sundays tournament to take place.  It is either a morning or afternoon shift and there are perks for those who help.  If there aren't enough volunteers, no tournament.  Please let me know if you, a family member, friend, alumni, employee ..... are able to help.  

Here is part of the email sent to coaches yesterday!

"We are up to 12 volunteers.  A great start, but many more needed!  I count 31 schools attending on June 8.  And at least 3 of our current 12 are actually coaches from schools which aren't competing on June 8.  So it seems that most of your schools are still a volunteer short!

Here is the current list of volunteers.  Please visit and note if your volunteer is already signed up.  And remember, once you have your school's volunteer lined up for the volunteer requirement, please have that person signup on our website for a morning or afternoon shift."
Please consider taking a few hours to volunteer.    

I am looking forward to Sunday and seeing as many, if not more, fans supporting our teams!

Thanks for an amazing year :-)


Your email:

Need to talk to Coach Erin?

Need to talk to Coach Finn? or:

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