Wednesday, July 02, 2014


Hi everyone!

I trust that everyone is enjoying summer.  I cannot believe it is the 4th of July weekend already! 

Thank you for an exciting 1st year for me as president!  What amazing groups of people we have/had make up the 'whole that is Hopkins Ultimate.'
Players, coaches, parents, friends and family!   

Thank you for everyone's support, kind words and the gift card :-).  Completely unnecessary but very much appreciated!

It may be July 2nd but we are already planning for next year.  We have a short survey via Survey Monkey we encourage players and parents complete.  It's short, confidential, and a great way to gather feedback.  The questions are multiple choice with an option to leave further feedback if you like.  Your name is optional.   The survey will be available until July 15th.  Just click on this link:





Your email:

Need to talk to Coach Erin?

Need to talk to Coach Finn? or:

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