Friday, September 26, 2014

Passport information due today!/EXIT69

Good Morning!

Passport color photo copies for those signed up to attend HBTS are due today!  I've received less than 10 copies as of this morning.  You may scan and email a copy to me at or a color copy can be mailed.   The tournament is 3 weeks away, however,  There are deadlines to meet of registration materials and manifests to submit to the border that need finalization by Monday of next week.  This includes coaches and parents traveling with our group on or off the bus.  Parents: Thank  You to those who have signed up to chaperone!  Please sign up on the Signupgenius even if you are NOT riding the bus.  Whether driving or flying I need accurate numbers of people with our group.

We need 2 additional girl players in order to send 2 teams to Hold  Back the Snow!  As explained in a previous blog post this is a Co-Ed tournament.  Each team needs a ratio of 4 boys / 3 girls on the field at all times.

I promised more info regarding per player cost.  I cannot calculate this until we have finalized two teams.  Please note that taking a coach bus to Winnipeg is conditional on sending 34 players.

EXIT 69:
To all the players participating at EXIT 69 this weekend, and there are 46 & 49 players signed up on Saturday and Sunday,  good luck and have fun!  The forecast is for warmer than normal temps in the 80's with plenty of sunshine!  Remember SUNSCREEN!  Reuseable water bottles, food to fuel you throughout the day, socks and more layers of clothing than you think you'll need!  The forecast might say 83 at noon but arriving at the fields by 8:00 am at 65 degrees feels quite different!  Refer to the Signupgenius for driving rules. All players should note if they need a ride or not.  Carpools leave from Lindbergh parking lot at 7:25, so be at Lindbergh at 7:15 please.

Lastly....every player must participate in our Blitz fundraisers.  Whether you're playing ultimate in the fall, winter, spring or a combination of these seasons.  Fundraising dollars go to tournament fees,  practice and playing fields, indoor facilities, scholarships, MNYU league dues,  and much, much more!!  Without adequate fundraising dollars for the year these costs will end up being passed onto to players.  There were 30 players at last weeks Blitz.  Our next Blitz is October 5.  There are 29 players signed up, 14 of those participated last week.  PLEASE signup on the signup genius.  This includes parents as well.   The more parent drivers with 3 or less kids in their car the more ground we cover!

Have a great weekend!



Your email:

Need to talk to Coach Erin?

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