Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Madison Mudbath is closer than you think! We need to find out how many of you can come, so please talk with your parents ASAP and get back to Curme on whether you can go. Here's the info... We will be leaving Friday, April 20 in the early afternoon and coming back late Sunday night.
The cost is $35 (that's $20 for the tournament, $10 for gas and$5 for a host gift), and bring extra money for food,etc. We are staying with the Boyd's again this year. If you haven't traveled to Madison with us before, they're a really nice family we stay with and they make BOMB breakfast muffins. If your parents want the Boyd's address and phone number, they can call Mike Schock. This will be an amazing tournament and it's important for us to get as much time playing together as we can before natties. I really hope you can all go, and are all excited to dominate against some bomb teams. Please check with your parents and contact Curmish when you know, or if you have questions. Curmish's contact info is: Emructhree@yahoo.com, cell phone 952380 6128

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another note on the Boyd's, their son Tallis plays for Grey Duck with Mike and Pedro, which makes the whole family that much cooler.