Sunday, May 27, 2007

Congratulations Are In Order

First and foremost, Conrats to our newest College National Champions the University of Wisconsin Hodags, with Hopkins Alumni teammates Evan Klane ('05) and Ben Feldman ('06).

Secondly, Congratulations to Central Regional Freshman of the Year Michael Arenson ('06) at the University of Minnesota. This award is voted on by the captains of the teams at regionals.

Congrats to Pat Jenson ('06) for being Winona State's Callahan Award Nominee. The Callahan is the UPA's College MVP award, and each team can nominate one person.

Finally, big Congratulations to JV Captain Jojo Christianson for being named a National Merit Scholar.

Nice work kids! The Hurt Family is proud of you all.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks to you and all the coaches for helping to build community.