Wednesday, May 09, 2007

JV Game - This Thursday

A reminder that the JV has a game vs. Mpls South A this Thursday. Location is:

Powderhorn Park
1200 Powderhorn Ter
Mpls 55407


Russell said...

We're carpooling from Lindberg, be there before 4:15 to secure a ride!

golob said...

we had a great game against south today, the side lines were intense, great spirit, good switch from zone to man

a few things to mention:
tymbo had a great D in the beginning of the game

raskin had a great layout catch

grant had 2 great Ds in one of the later points

props to taylor, eli, seagal, grant, litin, and billy for some great handler puts

also, props to all the new guys on the block, we're really coming together as a team

good job guys