Monday, May 07, 2007

JV Granite City Roster

The Granite City tournament in St. Cloud, MN is coming up on May 19. The cost for the tournament is $20.00 per person and needs to be paid before the weekend of the tournament. Payment should be made to Hopkins Ultimate, and can either be brought to practice or mailed to Bonnie Christensen.

I would like for the players who are able and willing to go to drop a line in the comments to this post, whether or not you have spoken to me in person. I will make final decisions on the roster soon.

Coach Russ


boerhave said...

i am pretty sure that i will be able to make the tournament, however, i may need to leave a little early

Anonymous said...

Hey. Yo. I'm Sam, and I would like to go.

Anonymous said...

hey. yo im dainiel, and i would like to go

Anonymous said...

I can go and my father, todd, s very willing to drive his auto motive device

Snake said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Snake said...

I can go for sure. My parents want to come too, so they can take a couple people if needed.

Unknown said...

I can go and I'll be able to drive.

Anonymous said...

hey, i'm jeremy B, and i would like to go also

golob said...

YO! i can go and even possibly drive

Anonymous said...

Hi this is sam i can go i can take some people to

Anonymous said...

If need madre can take some people

Anonymous said...

eo. heres andreas. and i can come for shizzle. and hey matt is your sis' coming too?

Snake said...

Sorry Andreas, I don't think my sis is coming.

Unknown said...

Nils here. Affirmative on Granite city and driving.

Tim said...

Hey, I can come and my dad might drive too

adam r said...

this is adam rafowitz just telling you i would like to go to granite city.

Anonymous said...

tom kachelmacher would like to go

Anonymous said...

he wwoul like to go a lot

Anonymous said...

tom kachelmacher would like to unfortunately retract his previous 2 notes
he is unable to make it and wants to go into a corner and cry
im sorry i let the team down
but i will be at the game tomoro/thursday