Sunday, May 06, 2007


Kids: Very nice job on your car wash today. You all chipped in as a team. Thanks to those who brought out rags, buckets, sponges etc. Please thank your parents for helping you to get this organized.

The weather held off long enough for us to make some good money. As you know we will be doing this again Sunday May 20, time/place TBD but probably same place, NOON to 5. I know that the weather will be hot and it will be a great day to raise more funds for the program. More announcements to come on this later.

Coach Jake and Coach Kelly and Ivan, thanks for coming out.

THANKS to all of the parents who came to support the car wash today. Your donations and support of your kids is certainly, I am sure, appreciated by them.

Doc Schock – I have 2 of your buckets and some brushes/squeegees (sp) and a bunch of rags that I will wash and dry and bring out to the May 20 car wash.

Let me know if questions

Kids, have a great week of practice / games leading up to nationals.

--Ron Curme


Anonymous said...

We have washed the towels and have them with some other supplies at our home. We'll keep them until the next car wash


Anonymous said...


Thanks for posting Ron Curme's comments
