Friday, July 20, 2007

Update to Meetings - NEW TIME and DATE - ACTION REQUESTED

Coachs, Captains and parents who have or want to help

Two meetings coming up for Hopkins Ultimate Exec Board

1. Executive Board Meeting Proposed date Wed July 25th

Goal begin planning for next year

2. A Hat tournament meeting Proposed Date Tues July 26th

Goal see if we can get a hat tournament going for fall

Action Requested

Please reply and let Ivan know if you want something on the agenda for the 25th

Please let Ivan know if you want to participate July 26th


k-rae said...

i am scheduled for work on wed evening - but am free on thursday. could we please switch the meetings so i can attend the exec board one on thursday?

Anonymous said...

sorry i am not going to be able to make it on the 26th, i am still out of town
