Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Summer Ultimate Camp Info (round 1)

Hello campers and potential campers!

This is the first update of NUTC Registration 2008. Registration has
been open for a little over a month and here is the status of the

Session A July 12-17
plenty of room

Session B July 19-24
plenty of room, but less than Session A

Session C July 16-31
A third of the way to being sold out!

I am confident that we will sell out this summer, so if you want to
attend NUTC, you need to register pretty soon. Prices do not increase
until June 6, but at this rate we may be sold out by then.

To register, go to www.lsse.org For more info about the camp, visit

Hope to see many of you this summer!

Tiina Booth

Camp Director

National Ultimate Training Camp

"Ultimate for the Next Generation"

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