Thursday, May 01, 2008

HERt Force: the HUSTLE

Our first game on Saturday is at 8:30 with captain's meeting at 8a. Figure out what you need to do to BE AT the fields at 7:15am Saturday. We are at Field 1 all day.
We have 5 back-to-back games Saturday, so it's imperative that you take care of yourselves with a good night's sleep, bring appropriate (cold weather and rain) clothing, and proper food and beverages to fuel your bodies throughout the day.
I have not heard a peep about what Saturday night plans are, so please post in comments section if you know any timeline or plan whatsoever.

As for Sunday, our first game will be at 9:15am, so plan to be at the fields by 8am.
I'm very excited to be at a tournament with you- it's been too long! See you Saturday, bright and early.


Jake said...

Pools are up:

Jake said...
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Anonymous said...

are girls going to be having a carpool as well?-val

Anonymous said...

Who would like to meet at Lindbergh to carpool? If Kelley wants you to be at the fields at 7:15, I suggest meeting at 6:40.
Email Jennifer with info regarding interested drivers and riders.

Anonymous said...

does anyone need a ride from lindbergh to the hustle fields tomorrow at 630? Call or email me. If not i will assume all have rides.

Jennifer K